My 20 gallon ???


Active Member
How many fish would u put in a 20 gallon tank?? I want a clown but not just one fish. Any ideas??? Thanks


New Member
Assuming proper break-in of the aquarium, you could have two common Percula (old name) clowns, an anemone (Pacific)
an arrow crab, and three other small fish.


I have two 20s, one Long one high. The 20H doesnt have fish in it yet but in my 20L i have 2 false percs, 1 bicolor blenny and 1 spotted hawkfish. The tank has been up for about a year.


I have a 20H tank that has 3 fish. I have 2 common clownfish and a catalina goby. I think this is it for now, but I may add another catalina goby(female) if I come across another one. BTW catalina's are cold water fish,but he was at the lfs for at least 3 months and he's been in mines about 2 months. I'd go with about 2-4 fish assuming their max size is 2-3" or less. BTW wait at least 1 month before adding another fish and wait for your tank to become "mature" before adding all of the fish because your bacteria(beneficial) can handle the load.


I have a small tank as well. I waited 3 weeks after the tank cycled and all water params were stable. treat the tank like it had fish in it, meaning testing and water changes and you should be fine, I would add fish one at a time (unless you get a mated pair of something) so you don't overdo the bio load. wait about 2 weeks minimum, 3-4 is better between adding fish.