My 24 gallon nano


Egads, yeah with six fans you'd better not have a heat issue! What about evaporation? Any issues with that?
I was just wondering how big I can expect that hairy dude to get. heh
Originally Posted by freddyinca
Don't know the name of the mushroom, but under the metal hallide lights the hairs on them look green. I will post some pics tonight.
I haven't had any heat issue yet, but i added six fans along with 2 factory ones.


new full tank shot and some pics of some of the new corals I picked up after selling some candy canes. Sorry pics are taken with my camera phone so they are not the greatest.
Full tanks shot

Birds nest: two of the tips are damaged, hopefully it will recover

acropora:not sure what exact spiecies

zoos: not sure what type:



Originally Posted by rebelprettyboy
Its loookin might fine. Esp with the light upgrade makes it look even 10 times better!
Thanks! Yah I just have to figure out how to best capture the light in a photo. Tank looks really dark blue in these pics, but it is actually much more light blue.


Active Member
Lookin good. Would be awesome keep the LPS and add more SPS and get rid of the others, except some zoanthids for color variety.


Originally Posted by Flricordia
Lookin good. Would be awesome keep the LPS and add more SPS and get rid of the others, except some zoanthids for color variety.
or after looking at your tank I want to get some ricordias.


The tank is looking great! I really like your bird's nest and the candycanes too...I wish I would have payed attention when you were selling them!
BTW...your DIY light fix was awesome. I read that whole thread you made about it...bad a$$ LEDs w/the fans. Real good job!


Originally Posted by AtrialFib22
The tank is looking great! I really like your bird's nest and the candycanes too...I wish I would have payed attention when you were selling them!
BTW...your DIY light fix was awesome. I read that whole thread you made about it...bad a$$ LEDs w/the fans. Real good job!
Thanks! I am glad someone read it. I might get rid of some more candy canes. Where you located?


Picked up a new frag today. The guy at the store said it was from teh acropora fmaily, but not sure what type. Can anyone ID it?



Borrowed my friends camera to take some better pics. Alos got a differnt kind of candy cane frag. Let me know what you guys think.
fts with flash

Fts without flash

birds nest

Green acropora (still don't know exact spices, anyone???)

Brown acropora (still don't know exact spices, anyone???)

Blue zoos

Green zoos

Orange zoos(can't gte a bright pic of these guys)

hammer head


new green/pink candy canes

brown/teal mushroom

purple blue spotted mushroom(after i got my metal hallides the blue spots really started comming out on these, but hard to get a picture of it)


It has been awhile since my last update. I have been house sitting my parent’s house for the last month, so my roommate has been taking care of my tank. Everything was going OK until 3 days ago when I got a call that my tank was looking funny.
By the time I got there all my xenias, frog spawns, and hammers were dead and everything else was looking really sad. I did a 10 gallon water change and went back today and did another 5 gal change. I think it is working cuz the tank is looking better, but I also lost my birds nest.
I have heard of xenias crashing and polluting tanks before, so I am guessing that is what happened. Not sure why though?
I’ll be back living at my place on Monday so I’ll see how the tank looks then.