
Active Member
I hear ya..
Well I couldnt take any pics last night the tank was just too cloudy after I was dont with it.
I syphoned out all that I found of the hair algae. I took out all affected pieces of coral, brushed them off in a separate container, and gave them a nice dip. Cleaned the tank glass, rinsed out all filters, cleaned 2 power heads and one HOB filter. I dont think I have seen the end of it, but hopefully it slowed it down. Tonight will be picture night, if I have time.


Active Member
Originally Posted by PerfectDark
NO I didnt hear that... but I am concerned now because he is the grower of 2 of the frags from the ZFA that I am in on. I hope all still goes ok.
Good deal on your new frags post pics when you get them. Flricordia has some freakin sweet stuff...

Yeah he is keeping in touch with all that he needs to in regards to the ZFA. I am not sure who but I remember hearing him talk about it. Yah know he wouldn't dip out on you guys!


Active Member
Ok so I have some new pics of some old stuff... he he he..
First up is my poor candy cane... I dont know exactly what happened to it. I had it positioned where part of it was touching some yellow polyps. I noticed it not opening fully anymore so I looked at it and it was reseeding. In 2 weeks there was no improvement so I thought maybe a bacterial infection. I brushed it off and gave it a nice dip in Lugol's solution. This is the best it has looked in almost a month... I hope it continues to recover. These are some pics of it while it ate.. and my green candy can too.

This one is not sick, its very healthy and is eating.

Bam Bam oranges... kinda disappointed in their growth rate, its very slow. But they are awesome. My Tubs blues are spreading like crazy...


Active Member
This is my purple with orange mouth acan... it just ate/is eating...

And my blasto's looking awesome too.

These are zoa's from reefkprZ, I believe they were called baby back blues...not sure.. but it really doesnt matter they are unbelievable in color... they look like they are plugged in.


Active Member
My little man hanging out... he is awesome, great personality, very bold but not aggressive.

My prize possession, prob my favorite thing in my tank. And it is getting huge!! Its been with me now for almost a year and a half...


Active Member
tank is lookin SWEEEEET!!!!
Bam Bams grow very slow. At least for me as well. Ive been hvaing 4 polyps for 3-4 weeks now and no signs of a new one?
I few ppl on here says theres grow real slot as well


Active Member
Looking good man! I like it alot! Crazy how much all of our tanks change year by year!


Active Member
Tank looks fantastic! I just saw a RBTA in person for the first time a week or two ago and all I can say is that yours is WOW! The acan echinata you have there is very nice as well. Make sure nothing falls on it because acans pack a surprising punch.
Really like the tank though. Trade in all those colts for LFS credit, you might be able to get some shnazy stuff


looks super duper man! lol
funny how this was your first FTS and you last one...



Active Member
The nem is getting pretty big! How long are you going to keep it before you have to move it do you think?


Active Member
Originally Posted by rebelprettyboy
tank is lookin SWEEEEET!!!!
Bam Bams grow very slow. At least for me as well. Ive been hvaing 4 polyps for 3-4 weeks now and no signs of a new one?
I few ppl on here says theres grow real slot as well
Yea.. I heard that about the tubs blues but mine are multiplying like rabbits... but its all good as long as they are healthy.


Active Member
Originally Posted by peef
Looking good man! I like it alot! Crazy how much all of our tanks change year by year!
Absolutely... its crazy, but very cool to see the transformation.
Originally Posted by paintballer768
Tank looks fantastic! I just saw a RBTA in person for the first time a week or two ago and all I can say is that yours is WOW! The acan echinata you have there is very nice as well. Make sure nothing falls on it because acans pack a surprising punch.
Really like the tank though. Trade in all those colts for LFS credit, you might be able to get some shnazy stuff
Thanks, the problem is I my LFS has nothing shnazy to offer..
I have a few things I would like to get rid of but selection is limited lately for LFS trades.
Originally Posted by Nemo_66

looks super duper man! lol
funny how this was your first FTS and you last one...

Yea... time does fly huh... thanks.
Originally Posted by spanko

The nem is getting pretty big! How long are you going to keep it before you have to move it do you think?
Well if need be, I will move all my corals toward the front of the tank out of its way before I move it. I have another tank ready to set up but $$ is a little tight right now so im holding out. Once it is up and running I will take everything but the fish and the anemone out of the bio cube and transfer it all into the new tank. That way there will be no corals in the way. I may keep some zoa's and some GSP in the cube... not sure yet.


Active Member
Originally Posted by spanko
has it stung anything yet? Looks like it could reach a few things.
The rock where you see the dragon eye and whamin watermelon zoa's it started to creep in on them. Since that pic has been taken they have been moved. The 2 coca worms are unaffected by it so they stay right there. And on the plus side it has kept my yellow polyps from spreading so I like that. Other than that no, it hasent bothered anything. Its been in that spot for at least 8 months.


Active Member
Originally Posted by spanko
HeeHee must have found it's space then. It is a beauty. Your gorg is looking good too!
Yep with a little help from me... I actually planned its location. I made a small cave with an over hang, positioned the power heads in a manner i know that it prefers and in about 2 days it found the spot exactly where I wanted it too. Not sure how much luck played in there but from what I have read about them and researched this simulated their ideal location to a tee. Thanks...

Yea I love my gorg. especially because it is actually growing and quite a bit too. I have another post showing its growth rate along with some frags. I have seen a lot of gorgonians on this board but I havent seen many with a lot of success. This one is definitely one that has a lot of success and is growing very quickly in my tank.