My 30g


Been out of saltwater for awhile. Been collecting pieces here and there, finally have everything I need. Just got my live rock in a week ago!
Here's my 30g in cycle at the moment. Ammonia at 8+ppm, 0 nitrites, ?0 nitrates.
My plan is to have mangroves on the far right side of my tank to cover up my skimmer/heater. Also to suck the phosphates and nitrates out.
Red sea prizm skimmer. Coralife MH. 2-4 inches of sand. 35 pounds of LR. Will have 40+ pounds before I add fish.
Open to suggestions on fish stock list.
1 black and white Ocellaris
1 Mccosker's flasher wrasse (want a wrasse for sure. This one can handle smaller tanks I believe)
1 pearly Jawfish. The right side of my tank has a deeper 4 inch sand bed. Will this work?
Originally planned on doing barnacle blennys, but I'm saving those for my next tank.


I like your rock work and black sand! Really like the black and white Ocellaris but I'm thinking it may not show up too well with the black sand. My hubbie has a true perc. that really pops out with the black sand. Just a thought if you are looking for color. It is looking good so far.


I just noticed the white sand also. Duh.........guess a black and white Ocellaris would show up nicely.


Do you like the white and black sand combo?
I bought the tank with the black sand in it. It was still live. I wanted a deeper sand bed and thought it would look cool having the two.
True Perc would be cool as well. I was thinking about a saddle-back clown as well. Or how about the new ORA midnight clowns? or the new Lighting Maroon clowns?
6 line wrasse tend to be aggressive. I do like the coloration, but I think any flasher wrasse would bring great colors to my tank.


I do like the black and white, it is different. I just am not sure how it would look if it got all mixed together. I guess it would look like salt and pepper. How about one black and white clown and one true perc.? About the same size and great color combo!? Haven't seen the ORA midnight clowns or the lighting maroon clowns yet---I'll have to check them out. Normally Maroon clowns get pretty big and very aggressive, personally I would not put them in a tank that small.
I agree that a 6 line wrasse in a 30 gallon. Ours is great but he never stops cruising and I can see that they could be very aggressive in a small tank.


Yeah maroons are out of the question. But you have to check out the Lightning Maroon. Unreal fish. Will take over this hobby if ORA can get the breeding going.
I would really enjoy having 2 clowns in this tank, but 4 fish would be pushing it. I'm really stuck on getting a jawfish and a wrasse, but unsure of the compatibility with my tank. If either of those fall through (or jump out) I might get another clown.
I wanted white sand because in theory, the sand will reflect light and should give more growth to light intensive corals. Black sand absorbs more of the light.
Anyone have another great idea for a Nano Wrasse other than the 6-line? Or most specifically how well a flasher wrasse would do in a Nano.


Tank has fully cycled. 0 ammonia or nitrite. Nitrate@30ppm
Added 1 Halloween hermit and 3 turbos. Adding more Inverts soon. Few nass and cerith snails. Maybe a couple more turbo and an electric blue hermit.
No Fish yet. Need to decide between a fairy wrasse or a Brown saddle-back clown. Think I'm going with the clown.
(pic 1) This hermit hauls! very good climber for how big it is.
(pic 2) FTS
(pic 3) right side
(pic 4) long shot
Let me know what you think. I know its a little dirty, but give my CUC time to catch up with the after cycle work. Overkill on the barnacles?



Halloween Hermit is cool. Never been a big fan of barnacles but a few make for good little hiding spots! :)


Added some more critters.
First fish: Saddle-back clown.
1 more Halloween hermit. 7 Nass snails. 1 Fire shrimp
My tank is now covered by feather dusters. Prob in excess of 500. Should I start supplying some sort of filter food?



Another Update-
Added my first corals and another fish.
1. Pink zoa frag with 65+ polyps. Doing well.
2. Pulsating Xenia, roughly 30 stalks.
Current stocklist----
Saddle-back clown
McCosker's Flasher Wrasse
Fire shrimp
8 Nass. snails
3 Mexican turbos
2 Halloween hermits
Hitchhiker feather dusters
I have some awesome shots of this stuff, but can't seem to post them



Here are some Mccosker's flasher wrasse pics. Juv/female. Sorta looks like a filament wrasse.
I believe it is turning male. I notice the Dorsal fin has a small flare that is a bit longer than normal. It also seems to have yellow on its sides and underbelly. It was in my LFS tank for over a month with no other wrasse.
Final shot is at night. Lots of people ask for night shots of wrasse. This one sleeps here, and one other spot which I cannot seem to find. Notice the white antenna from the blood shrimp.

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Added a few more goodies.
Picked up a small two tube t-5 fixture. Running 2 actinic bulbs.
5 nerite snails. 4 blue leg hermits
Pics 1 & 2 = Alveopora coral, AKA flowerpot. GLow's awesome under my t-5's. Thinking about buying another for 40$. Doing very well since acclimation.
Please help ID the 2nd coral. I purchased this rock because it also has 20 Green Clove polyps on it (oh yeah and hair/cyano). Unsure what the big leather coral is. Colt? Its drooping, but improving daily.
juvenile McCosker's wrasse
Saddle-back clown
Pink, green, orange zoos
Pulsating Xenia (Extending arms much farther since acclimation)
Alveopora Coral
?Colt Coral?
Green Clove polyps

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