dave espi
New Member
SI I figure it would be nice fer some of ya to see me and my 37 gal. 18 x 20 x 25 H It is one of my 8 tanks, but is my fave by far.
it runns with a plethora of Liverock varieties, 3 inch LSB aragonite/oolitic mix with a 1/4 inch lift plennumn.
250 W Iwasaki 67K MH w 2 32 W PC actinics. One PC remains on 24/7 the other for 12 hours with the Halide on for 10 in a CSL Prizim pendant ( AWESOME FIXTURE)
32 varous corals, SPS, LPS, Soft, Coralimorphs, actiniodiscus, zooanthids, Gorgonians, Xenia, GSP, and featherdusters. 2 + dozen various snails, CBS and a pepermint, and 2 urchins.
Fish complement: Sailfin tang (3.5 inches) A mated pair Tomato Clowns, Six line Wrasse, Marine betta, and 2 electric blue damzels. this tank is 3 years running and has had only minor problems with Aiptasia, cyano and hair algae 6 months ago due to crappy salt mix I used when I was out of my regular.
I use RODI water and exclusively TROPIC MARIN or www.aquacraft.net Bio-SEA salt / Marine Environment.
oh and yeah,,,, the freek (me) is suffering from REEF INDUCED MADNESS...
The tank runs purely on powerheads amd occasional skimming and diatom filter purification.
enjoy !

it runns with a plethora of Liverock varieties, 3 inch LSB aragonite/oolitic mix with a 1/4 inch lift plennumn.
250 W Iwasaki 67K MH w 2 32 W PC actinics. One PC remains on 24/7 the other for 12 hours with the Halide on for 10 in a CSL Prizim pendant ( AWESOME FIXTURE)
32 varous corals, SPS, LPS, Soft, Coralimorphs, actiniodiscus, zooanthids, Gorgonians, Xenia, GSP, and featherdusters. 2 + dozen various snails, CBS and a pepermint, and 2 urchins.
Fish complement: Sailfin tang (3.5 inches) A mated pair Tomato Clowns, Six line Wrasse, Marine betta, and 2 electric blue damzels. this tank is 3 years running and has had only minor problems with Aiptasia, cyano and hair algae 6 months ago due to crappy salt mix I used when I was out of my regular.
I use RODI water and exclusively TROPIC MARIN or www.aquacraft.net Bio-SEA salt / Marine Environment.
oh and yeah,,,, the freek (me) is suffering from REEF INDUCED MADNESS...
enjoy !