My 4.5 month 75gal Reef. Ideas are welcomed!


Here are some pics of my 4.5 month old Reef. This is my first tank, but with the help of the local aquarium store, things are going great.
Pic 1--1 month of operation

Pic 2--Pic taken this morning!

Pic 3--Clown/Anenome Pair #1 (left side of tank)

Pic 4--My new Zoo colonies (notice the out of focus one barely opened in the sand)- I will be glueing them down somewhere tonight

Pic 5--Mr. Shrimp (Had him for a couple of months, just now starting to be active during the daytime)


Pic 6--Yellow Leather w/ Clown/Anenome Pair #2

Pic 7--Pulsing Xenia #1

Pic 8--Not sure of proper name of this one, with Chromis

Pic 9--Sump setup

Pic 10--"JB" Jeweled Blenny, Yellow Tang, Blu/Green Chromis

Pic 11-- "JB" My first fish!

Pic 12-- Yellow Tang and Chromis. They pretty much stay together all the time

Pic 13-- This little brittle star came hidden on one of the new zoo colonies. I hope he makes it. I would love to see him grow. As a size reference, he wouldn't spread across a dime.


Any ideas or comments would be greatly appreciated. I would like to start getting more color to the tank.
Thank You!!


I really like your corals and anemones! If your chromis ever seems lonely I would suggest getting him at least one more chromis to hang with.


I love your rock work it looks great! my tank is almost a year old and doesnt look that good. (but then again i am only 15 and dont have a job or a car to go to the lfs) LOOKIN GOOD. i like your tank to it has lots of depth.


Active Member
i woudl say that you should look for some brighter corals like red, green, and mabye a pink if you can find


Originally Posted by damselsrck
I really like your corals and anemones! If your chromis ever seems lonely I would suggest getting him at least one more chromis to hang with.
There are actually 3 (three) chromis in the tank right now. The other two stay up toward the top. Those two were just added a few days ago. I originally purchased 4 of them, but three disappeared within a few days. For some strange reason, my anenome on the left seemed to be bloated during those three days also. Hmm, I wonder if that is just a coincidence. I know one thing, the other one stays away from the anenome. Hopefully he will explain the danger to the new ones.
I do have a couple of questions:
Does anybody have some advice on some nice bold colored corals to add?
How close could I place the zoo's to the three leather corals? I believe the tree looking thing is a type of leather coral.


here is a pick of my 75 reef some of the corals I have are the red doughnut lps large finger leather Green star polyps. shrooms of all colors and zoas. those last two and SPS are the easiest way to add a ton of color IMO.



Originally Posted by wax32
Looking good.
That brittle star won't grow, that's how big they get.

Is this true, they only get to about half an inch?


Active Member
Originally Posted by the_buzz_m
Is this true, they only get to about half an inch?
ya but they multiply like CRAZY, i got 5 a month ago, now i have 25+


Originally Posted by FishFatty
how many pounds of live rock is in both of your tanks?
I believe it was 100 lbs I went with.
Originally Posted by fedukeford

ya but they multiply like CRAZY, i got 5 a month ago, now i have 25+
Are these going to be a problem, or will they be beneficial?


UPDATE: I made a trip to Houston earlier this week. Had to go by a couple LFS while there. Came home with a couple new corals:
Full Shot

Open Brain

Colt Coral (not sure of which type)

and one I left out earlier:


Active Member
Originally Posted by Harndog
here is a pick of my 75 reef some of the corals I have are the red doughnut lps large finger leather Green star polyps. shrooms of all colors and zoas. those last two and SPS are the easiest way to add a ton of color IMO.

What is that in the 3rd picture? I like it