my 435 gallon tank in wall see through upgrade


how does that work? is that the only thing you have for flow? it looks pretty natural even the fish were swaying back and forth!!!


Active Member
I have 2tunze 6205 12000 gph
2 Tunze 6045 3000 gph
2 Tunze 6055 3500 gph
2 Tunze 6215 wavebox 8000 gph but it has a modify Tunze 6305 that pushes close to 9000 gph each
And Reeflo dart 3600 gph


so you have them on a wave maker and it actually makes waves like that? i thought when it said wave maker it just made the power heads pulse on and off. not actually make a wave at the top of the tank!!! i have never seen a tank actually have a wave like that. that is really cool i like how the corals swayed back and forth like real life. but that is a lot of flow!! what is that like 30,000 + gph?


Active Member
One of my 6205 broke after a vinegar bath and it will take more than a well before a get them back from roger @ Tunze USA:(


i actually just heard about the vinegar cleaning thing yesterday when i got my new return pump. it said in the directions every 3 months i think? i have had 2 koralia 4's for about 2 years and never cleaned them! do i have to clean them also? and if so do i just soke them, or do i take them apart first?


Active Member
usually i take it apart first and then soak in it vinegar so its easier to clean
i use vinegar because it's less harsh than muruatic acid.


Active Member
I bought some fish from a great reefer with 5 black tang
And other rare fish that his is breaking down to put on my qt but they don't do well on 90 qt tank so I put them on my main tank and start doing herbtana treatment :(
Btw I only bought a purple tang, blue tang, emperor tang and large mystery wrasse.


Active Member
I did not get the black tang
Someone has a dibs on it before I got there
Because he was selling it too cheap 250 each
Drove 80 miles with the kids 1 way but it's worth it just seeing 5 black tangs with bright blue streak
Mystery wrasse has a croaked mouth hopefully nothing major will happen to him!
Purple tang was bigger than what I expected
Emperor was smaller than what I expect for a changing juvenile
Blue was good
Also I pick up a large clams ... It's awesome


Active Member
My large mystery wrasse died because he hurt himself when we are catching him @ my friends house
His mouth was so croaked because he try to bury himself on a barebottom tank ...)

Sorry I phone pictures