my 45 gallon tank pics

I just realized I have never shared pics of my tank. Well, here is my baby
I'm hoping to upgrade to a 90 gallon tank by the end of the year

My coral beauty

My squirmy clowns

My humongous starfish

Mister starfish

My huge steroid snail lol

My tank

crypt keeper

Active Member
Great start! Personally I would stack the rock a little bit better. THis will give more free area for the starfish and more room for the fish to swim. What are you feeding the fish?


Active Member
Looks good!
Of course this is all personal prefererence, but you might want to try a bluer lamp in your light fixture.


Active Member
Yep great start, I would try to get some more rock in there and stack it a little bit so the fish have a place to go underneath like a cave.


Look at the last pic.....under the stand...looks like the top to a tank to me
why would a hob be under the tank
lol i love reading all the replies
Actually that is my quarantine tank, I don't have a sump or anything, I will definately be doing the sump when I get my 90 gallon. Yeah I agree I need to do something different with the rocks, but I just don't know what
I'm not really that creative lol.