my 5.5 gallon nano diary : D

LOL FTS on mine is lame because its a cellphone picture and you cant really see anything. Ill see if I can get one when my lights come on but i plan on going home for the weekend prior to all my corals waking up and opening so you might have to wait


Active Member
Originally Posted by Freeborder_01

my new sexy shrimp hosting (i hope) my new softie, id love an ID on the softie and also a way to tell if they are hosting it or snacking on it
oh nice.. the new local gang hangout haha..


Originally Posted by Freeborder_01
...wait that "coraline" is actually looking like algae in some spots. is it possible its cyno?
heres some pictures for you picture lovers
bristle worm!!

Hey I am not sure if someone has covered this, but that is a fire worm, they are not horribly bad, but if they do get to big they can attack your fish and corals and even kill starfish. I had a problem with fire worm's where I pulled out about 15-20 all over 3 inches long in 10 mins. I have gotten a Coral Banded Shrimp and he is now keeping them in check, they will eat left overs that your fish do not get. so they are good in small amounts. just keep a eye out!


Originally Posted by Freeborder_01
how can you tell the difference between a fireworm and bristle worm?

bristle worms are a gray or brownish color, in your picture you can see that it has a red head, fireworms are red/grayish coloring, two tone.
I cant post the link, but go to google and do a search for fire worms
mckevinfang: im not but im occasionally on their website, i plan to actually become a member in the future at some point when i can be more active in their frag swaps ect. Are you?
AlexKnight: When i first saw the bristle i looked into it and i think some bristle worms have a red head that are NOT fire worms. But then again im a beginner but i also saw pictures of fireworms and with my judgment it looked more like a bristle over a fire. But i still want your input


Active Member
Originally Posted by Freeborder_01
mckevinfang: im not but im occasionally on their website, i plan to actually become a member in the future at some point when i can be more active in their frag swaps ect. Are you?
hey Freeborder, I've also been looking into BAR and i plan on going to their meeting next month on coral reproduction. I've been talking with Mckevin about it. You should come too, it will get your feet wet, meet some peeps, and you dont have to be a member to go. I would start your membership in january because thats when they renew and as long as you go to one non-frag swap meeting (the one next month) you will be eligble for the frag swap that will take place in february.
hmm i might need to take a trip and go to the meeting. Feel free to PM me the details like the date time and location and id definitely be interested to go. I'm planning on upgrading my lights over Christmas probably and might just take the 15gallon long from my house and do a little DIY built in fuge/sump set up and just break down and transfer the 5.5gallon over.
Update on the tank: Things were looking bad before i left for the weekend, when i got home on sunday cyano was all over one of the rocks but as far as corals go everything looked better than it ever had. My kenya trees were open huge and the 4 head zoanthid that shares the frag they are on had a baby so i know have 5 heads, still waiting on the baby to open.
My other zoanthids that had yet to have all their polyps open all opened and looked great
My main zoanthid rock looks like its sprouted 2 baby heads that are open and working their way out of the base to get some more light.
My mushroom and ricordia are doing fine, about the same as they ever did.
Finally my fragged xenia is growing out has a few baby arms and the stock is finally thick and growing nicely. Im very happy
* i got all the cyano off the rock when i did a water change and also finally added the chaeto in my filter *
well I got back to school today and happily everything made it the 5 days I was gone : D
I've got about a gallon of salt and water mixing for a water change later tonight.
Also over the week/weekend I got intouch with a guy and I'm picking up a 4 different zoa/paly frags tomorrow. I think im getting like 3 heads of one and 6-10 of the other 3 all for 50$. I was supposed to pick them up today but the bank was closed so I'll be getting those tomorrow night after class/dinner.
Then just like 5 minutes ago I got home from my LFS which ususally has NOTHING and its sad but today they must have had a local come in and give them some frags because i picked up a small 3 head frag of what i think is Armor Of God for 20$. Its floating right now ill snap some pictures when i get it in there and the polyps open up. Im very excited.
well heres a picture, i just put it in the tank and its already slowly starting to open. They look HOT very nice metallic shine. I'll definitely post more when these babies really open up and spread out.
I GOT NEW STUFF : D I found a local guy selling some stuff on craigslist in santa rosa. I dropped by his place and wow he had a nice 120 with lots of sps and lps. I was jealous of his set up. He took me to his garage where he had a small frag tank with some really nice pieces. I got 5 new zoa/palys to go with my possible armor of gods (still need them to open 100%). Im not sure what they are called but i got 3 heads + a baby head of these nice orange zoa, like 8 heads of pink ones with 16 heads of this nice purple, a sick 14 or so piece of purple green looking ones, not sure what the next one is because it has not opened yet but theres a good 10-15 heads, and finally a little 4 head piece that are purple in the mouth and then have a sick little red ring. Definitely happy and will be posting pictures tomorrow i think. The tanks already starting to looks filled out need to do some rearranging tomorrow. Also glued my first coral to a rock which was an experience even though its no big deal. Got glue everywhere on a towel though haha


Active Member
nice man, how about some pics? and i love the armor of god zoa's, those things are so cool lol i found an awesome site down in cali that has a ton of those really unique zoas/palys, i posted a list of the ones we're interested in in the one thread i started right here in the nano's about color explosion corals LOL


Active Member
Nice, I was up in Santa Rosa on Friday. Thats cool man, sounds like you got the hookup, cant wait to see your pics.
yeah ill post the 2 i was able to get before the lights went off. Ill most likely be able to snap some good pictures when i go home in 3 weeks for xmas break because ill have a better camera than my phone

orange ones, forgot the name but they are my favorite of the 5 i got from the guy in santa rosa

they are more pink than they look, again bad phone pictures
hopefully ill be upgrading to a 15 long at xmas and will get these babies under some nice lights.
theres 3 more frags, ill try and get a picture of the one that didnt open tomorrow the other 2 are too far back in the tank that my phone wont pick up on the color at all. Sorry guys