My 55 Gal. Whatcha Think?


2 250W MH 14K
130w PC Dual Actininc
15 gal Refugium
20 gal sump
jebo P.Skimmer
Lifeguard Mech Filter
Lord knows the Live rock amount I never Weigh it, just add base rock once in a while
2 False Percs
1 coral beauty
1 Royal gramma
1 coral cat
1 6 line wrasse
Mostly Soft with some LPS Coral
Coral Banded Shrimp
Cleanup crew
The Tank is almost 3 years old, but with 2 major moves
1st from Florida to New Hampshire Where I lost all my Fish
with the exception of the Clowns, and lost 1/2 of my brain
2nd move was in NH and I lost nothing :cheer:



Active Member
Very nice! Your colors are so healthy, I'm a bit green...

Do you supplement calcium? And how is the temp to handle with MH lighting?


Originally Posted by PonieGirl
Very nice! Your colors are so healthy, I'm a bit green...

I was Green for a while, because I had let my Cleaning crew die off. Once I got my Crew back to a good size
(thanks to, I got the 55-100 gal reef package) The Green went away. A skimmer also helps I have a Jebo in Sump that i got off the auction site
Originally Posted by PonieGirl
Do you supplement calcium?
Yes I supplement with the Bionic 2 step 5ml of each daily
Originally Posted by PonieGirl

And how is the temp to handle with MH lighting?
Temp is always an Issue, I have a fan running over my Sump to bring the water temp down, lights are about 8" above tank


I did have an Algea bloom when I upgraded to MH Lights, if you are planning to upgrade, be prepared for this


Very nice indeed!
I'm going to move my 55g this weekend. Only about 3 1/2hrs down the road, but always makes me nervous. Haven't "doove in" in a couple months, I've miss it.


good luck to you... I hate the move... And we are thinking of buying a house next year. Yet another move. But I can Upgrade to a larger tank once I have my Own place. Haven't tried to get a bigger tank when I know I am moving.


tank looks great one suggestion why dont u paint the back glass a dark blue semigloss it goes on real easy and makes the tank look deeper i do tank maintaince and setups for a living i own my own company and i paint all my new installations great looking tank anyway :cheer:


Very Nice looking tank. You should be proud. Makes me want to go get some more corals for my 29 gallon.


Thanks all, After 3 years and several Moves I have finally got it to where I really like it. My LFS has just recently started to get Smaller frags of softies and zoas that they sell for 15-30 bucks, and it's been great to be able to fill in the holes and watch things grow. I'm using 14k MH lights right now, but I think I might go to 10k and and some supplemental actinics to stimulate a little more growth. We're hopefully buying a house next year and it will be time to go bigger :cheer: Hopefully a 120. I'de like to keep the 4' length.
Happy reefing