My 55g Tank (with pictures)


thanks it took me a few tries but i got it how i like it now.....i think some ppl's live rock doesn't show its potential because they are always reaquascaping it every few weeks...the key is to let it stay were it is and let it develop its self


thanks everyone...I really am happy everyone likes it...I just got about 7 new sps (including some very rare montipora's) and and 3 zoos...thanks to Leishman....i owe him big...I will post some pics of them soon


oh and i forgot to mention something that i do that most don' not change my water...I have changed only 2 1/2 gallon since it was set up


Active Member
Wat exactly do u do at Dominoes? I think i got a job as a bus boy, used to work at a bike shop, but how did u get a job at dominoes? Yer only 15, right? I thought there were laws.


well......there are laws....but aren't they suppose to be I make pizza's and unload oven and crap..........its really season sucks in the summer but if you apply for a job when it is really busy between september and december you will probally get a job

brooklyn johnny

Active Member

Originally posted by reefer44
oh and i forgot to mention something that i do that most don' not change my water...I have changed only 2 1/2 gallon since it was set up

Congrats on frags from Leishman... Brad I strongly urge you get into the habit of water changes... many people get by without them but not in the sps world... it's just a matter of time before it will bite you in the ***. I hope for our sake you don't avoid washing your hands when you're making the pizza:D Seriously... change some water...


yea i know i have been putting it off for a while..............i probaly will sometime soon....i gotta go get some salt and stuff


oh and i went up to roozens...the guy charged me 20 bucks for a small ric. is that what you get it for....seems a little on the pricey side

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
There's Ricordia florida which you should spend no more than $12 a polyp on if they're real nice, which is what I have a feeling you got from Roozens. I too recently picked up a Ric from Roozens, but it's a hot pink yuma I got for just $50... these typically go for about $175 if you could get your hands on one...
Anyway, I have a great site I got many of my floridas from that now has blue ones on sale for just $8 a polyp... a steal as blues are tough to come by and usually pricey... oranges seem to be coming in much more often nowadays...
Yeah but nice yumas demand much higher prices here than floridas... e-mail me if you'd like that site... Roozens is weird... their prices are fantastic on most things, but a few things are abnormally high... it's undoubtedly because the owners don't follow the market... I got my peppermint hog for $75 and my efflo colony for $38... go figure...


those are great deals.....yea it was a florida....not enough money saved fro a yuma yet (my moneys going to acros right now) email is you could send me the sight that would be cool


don't efflo's go for like $150 i remember you saying you got a good deal on it but that is basically stealing it! is a very nice colony too...that would fetch maybe more than 150 locally

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
The price on efflos has gone down a bit since they've been importing more... but nice colonies still go for over $100... Mine they called an "encrusting montipora"... seriously... Roozens sets their sps prices based on shipping rates and not rarity of the coral because they import direct and pay the same for all... this is nice bacuse you see nice stuff that would have been cherry picked in LA before we ever saw it... This was another $38 find... A. austera