There's Ricordia florida which you should spend no more than $12 a polyp on if they're real nice, which is what I have a feeling you got from Roozens. I too recently picked up a Ric from Roozens, but it's a hot pink yuma I got for just $50... these typically go for about $175 if you could get your hands on one...
Anyway, I have a great site I got many of my floridas from that now has blue ones on sale for just $8 a polyp... a steal as blues are tough to come by and usually pricey... oranges seem to be coming in much more often nowadays...
Yeah but nice yumas demand much higher prices here than floridas... e-mail me if you'd like that site... Roozens is weird... their prices are fantastic on most things, but a few things are abnormally high... it's undoubtedly because the owners don't follow the market... I got my peppermint hog for $75 and my efflo colony for $38... go figure...