My 65G- up since Dec.1st

Originally Posted by Gill again68
Hes just making up words to sound good.

Right now I have a Tres la rana desovar

Actually there is a difference instead of singular skinny tentacles are thicker and then 8-10 short tentacles come off of them-is the fat kid that loves cake edition frogspawn! And Gill it is actually called an Octavius Sequestered Hermatelactusly Origininghth Frahawg Spahawn--NOW THATS MAKING UP WORDS TO TRY TO SOUND GOOD LMAO will post pics in a bit am waiting to see of the normal everyday run of the mill branching not fancy made up word frawg spahawn will open up- but I also got 2 chalices, 1 blue and pink riccordia and an tyree sunset encrusting monti, along with a Radiant Wrasse.
WHEW! I cant believe I got that all out in one breathe lol I basically walked in my guys place and said uhhh give me one of everything(and 2 of those chalices)..Pics to come the corals are all stressed out and throwing off slime from the dip in gasoline I gave them.
Ok so went and saw my guys today- the frogspawn is still stressed from the dip but I hope hell open soon, whatever type he is lol. anyway like stated earlier got that frogspawn, a sunset monti, 2 chalices, a blue/pink riccordia and a radiant wrasse here are the pics- couldnt really get the wrasse in a good shot he likes to chill in the cavern in the back of the rockwork-- hell adjust soon anyway here are the pics. will post new ones as all the colors come completely in to play and everyones open, for now:

Last 3 a couple of the radiant wrasse and of course the anemone and clowns the anemone has grown a bit since being put in tank:

Thanks meowzer yeah he seems to be real happy is always bubbled up and has good color-the same as when I got him so Im glad I havent done anything to kill it lol (cross fingers)


Active Member
gorgeous fish. and I love the chalice. and the ricordea. heck, i love it all. Your frogspawn looks exactly like mine.
Thanks Jess OF course 25 minutes after I took the pics the frogspawn opened up here it is open everything seems to be workin out hopefully will stay that way but just wanted to give the full update de ded de dd ed de e d breaking news The branching octo frawg spahawn has officially opened LMAO:



Active Member
I think we have the same frogspawn. Mine looks IDENTICAL to yours. How much did you pay for yours? Ours looks about the same size


Active Member
They are listed as "Expert" care on, but I was talking to the guy at the LFS I go to said they are pretty easy to care for. They are mainly photosynthetic, but I was told you can feed weekly like brine shrimp or microplankton. They suggested Marine Snow, but that is just what they told me.

gill again68

Active Member
Well if its any indication, I have had mine for some time now and it seems to be very happy. I feed frozen to the tank and also feed some Phyto Plex by Kent. A pellet now and again. Medium flow and good light and I think your ok.
Jess I paid $55, it has 3 heads as seen in as seen in the first pics when he...uhh it was still pissed of after the dip.
Firefighter Like stated they say expert but my guy said as long as a persons responsible, keeps their parameters good and feeds theyll flourish.
And Gill Im younger than you I should be calling YOU sir LMAO!!!
But thanks for all the compliments.