my 75gal about 2 1/2 3 months old

mustang 50

New Member

75 gal should i add more live rock ?

green star polyps

my new radioactive dragon eye zoa's have another frag there doing great

my newest addition a Lunare Wrasse

just set up my refug with cheato algea
if anyone has any suggestions on what i can change or i have somthing wrong please let me know this is my first start up and trying to learn all i can . thanks :)

mustang 50

New Member
I have about 50 lb of LR and whats wrong with gravel i have a dragon wrasse and he can burrow easly into it with damage and nassa snials also burrow into easly ?


Active Member
Do NOT take cheap routes like you need 1.5-2lbs lr in your have no sand....sand is for Saltwater, gravel is for freshwater. Leave it at that. Do you plan to upgrade your current tank, because it'd overstocked. I'm my 120g I have around 300lbs LR and 2 Clownfish and 4 chromis. What other fish do you have?

mustang 50

New Member
I do not have gravel from freshwater I have black sand. I do plan on upgradeing in the future I don't have the money atm just trying to get some ideas my fish are one banned moray eel one blue velot damsel one clown fish dragon wrasse and lunare wrasse.


black sand is fine.
Actually there are many tanks that are done with out sand due to nitrate build up and such.
Looking good so far, I would add little more rock though. It's just me though. Like the wrasse!


Active Member
Originally Posted by rickross23 http:///t/391532/my-75gal-about-2-1-2-3-months-old#post_3472849
Do NOT take cheap routes like you need 1.5-2lbs lr in your have no sand....sand is for Saltwater, gravel is for freshwater. Leave it at that. Do you plan to upgrade your current tank, because it'd overstocked. I'm my 120g I have around 300lbs LR and 2 Clownfish and 4 chromis. What other fish do you have?
Nice welcome rickross. Take it easy on the guy. You did not even ask if it was sand or not and just started ragging on his system. Not everyone can afford a 120g with 300lbs of LR.
How can you say he is overstocked when you did not even know what fish he has?? You need to have some patience
with the newcomers or no one will stay here. BTW you need to redo your signature... Its spelled patience.
I am not trying to get down on you rickross but new members coming to this site should be treated with at least a little respect.


HEY Mustang.....welcome to SWF
YES, Black sand is is all aquarist preference....some people say black tends to fade over time, BUT it will be just fine with you sw set up
I also think you could use some more live rock, BUT it is not detrimental to the survival of your tank...LOL
Can you elaborate a little more on your equipment...looks like you have a hob filter, AND a sump?? I see one powerhead....and no that correct? Flow is very important.
What type of lighting do you have?


Well-Known Member
Welcome to the forums! I hope you enjoy your stay!
Looks like you have a great start! Good decision with the macroalgae!
You can use base rock to fill out the rest of your tank and save a few dollars.
Also, if you can, add a background to the tank. One of those cheap black backgrounds will make your corals colors pop out!
I love those gsp. Looks like an underground garden! I like it.


Well-Known Member
Seth, maybe my eyes are old but I think there IS a background on there....but you're right, the black might look better. Easy way to find out would be to go get some black cardboard and tape it up.
Mustang, welcome to the forums! Your tank is looking pretty good. It's definitely in the young stages now, though, and I know that can sometimes look a little bare. Patience, young grasshopper. :)
You say you have 50 lbs of live rock? I would add a little more as funds permit. My personal feeling is about 1 to 1.5 lbs per "gallon," so 75 to 100 lbs total would be good for you. Where are you getting the LR? The stuff you have looks a little bare to that rock from a big-box pet store by any chance?
Black sand is fine (in fact it's what I'll be using for my 110g!) but be aware that it does NOTHING to add buffering capacity to the tank. You will need tests to make sure your pH, Carbonate Hardnes (KH), and Calcium levels are all in check. If you haven't done so yet, go out and get yourself a good Reef test kit. The liquids, not the stix. Your basic tests should include pH, Nitrate, Nitrite, Ammonia, Calcium, and KH. Phosphate and Magnesium tests will be needed down the line, but not 100% critical right now.
Just out of curiosity, which black sand did you go with? I was going to use Tahitian Moon personally. Yours looks a little coarser than the TM pictures.
What lighting do you have?

mustang 50

New Member
Originally Posted by novahobbies http:///t/391532/my-75gal-about-2-1-2-3-months-old#post_3472942
Seth, maybe my eyes are old but I think there IS a background on there....but you're right, the black might look better. Easy way to find out would be to go get some black cardboard and tape it up.
Mustang, welcome to the forums! Your tank is looking pretty good. It's definitely in the young stages now, though, and I know that can sometimes look a little bare. Patience, young grasshopper. :)
You say you have 50 lbs of live rock? I would add a little more as funds permit. My personal feeling is about 1 to 1.5 lbs per "gallon," so 75 to 100 lbs total would be good for you. Where are you getting the LR? The stuff you have looks a little bare to that rock from a big-box pet store by any chance?
Black sand is fine (in fact it's what I'll be using for my 110g!) but be aware that it does NOTHING to add buffering capacity to the tank. You will need tests to make sure your pH, Carbonate Hardnes (KH), and Calcium levels are all in check. If you haven't done so yet, go out and get yourself a good Reef test kit. The liquids, not the stix. Your basic tests should include pH, Nitrate, Nitrite, Ammonia, Calcium, and KH. Phosphate and Magnesium tests will be needed down the line, but not 100% critical right now.
Just out of curiosity, which black sand did you go with? I was going to use Tahitian Moon personally. Yours looks a little coarser than the TM pictures.
What lighting do you have?
i do have a back round it is dark blue and i bought the tank off a friend im not entirely sure what rock or type of sand it is :p do you have a suggestion what test kit ? and i have one 12k white t5 and another 460nm t5 both HO

mustang 50

New Member
Originally Posted by meowzer http:///t/391532/my-75gal-about-2-1-2-3-months-old#post_3472894
HEY Mustang.....welcome to SWF
YES, Black sand is is all aquarist preference....some people say black tends to fade over time, BUT it will be just fine with you sw set up
I also think you could use some more live rock, BUT it is not detrimental to the survival of your tank...LOL
Can you elaborate a little more on your equipment...looks like you have a hob filter, AND a sump?? I see one powerhead....and no that correct? Flow is very important.
What type of lighting do you have?
i have a backpack filter with the filters and i just set up my refugium and yes i have one powerhead it is little to strong for my GSP so i had to move it and i have the return from the refugium is spraying over my polyps and seem to like the flow. and im saving for a skimmer any suggestion ? and i have one t5 12kwhite and another 460nm t5 both are HO.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mustang 50 http:///t/391532/my-75gal-about-2-1-2-3-months-old#post_3472950
i have a backpack filter with the filters and i just set up my refugium and yes i have one powerhead it is little to strong for my GSP so i had to move it and i have the return from the refugium is spraying over my polyps and seem to like the flow. and im saving for a skimmer any suggestion ? and i have one t5 12kwhite and another 460nm t5 both are HO.
if your planning to make this a reef but a simple one meaning no sps try looking into a 4 to 6 bulb t5 fixture. if you wanna spend a little less look on the new LED lights people are selling on e-bay. Im a fan of black sand but i never really kept it black it. dont ask how -_- lol. Skimmer im a fan of external octopus skimmers!
add more koralias! the more flow the better reef!


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by mustang 50 http:///t/391532/my-75gal-about-2-1-2-3-months-old#post_3472950
i have a backpack filter with the filters and i just set up my refugium and yes i have one powerhead it is little to strong for my GSP so i had to move it and i have the return from the refugium is spraying over my polyps and seem to like the flow. and im saving for a skimmer any suggestion ? and i have one t5 12kwhite and another 460nm t5 both are HO.
OK, good starts, good starts. Let me give you some more advice if I may.
First, let's talk about those fish. Rickross may have been a little harsh but he has some salient points. You have two wrasses in there that are going to get BIG. Both the Lunare and the Dragon wrasses are large fish that are generally considered to be non reef-safe animals. The Dragon Wrasse's other name is (aptly) "Rockmover Wrasse" because it will flip over rocks surprisingly much bigger than you'd think in order to find food. Both animals will reach a length of about a foot, give or take an inch or two. Neither are really considered safe for tanks less than 100g/6 foot long. You *might* be able to get away with the Lunare, but I'm afraid your combination of the two is just going to cause stress in the long run. For you and the fish. You may want to consider bringing at least the Dragon back.
Now, you're at a great crossroads with your tank. Do you want a full reef tank, a FOWLR tank, or something in between? A full reef tank typically consists of an invertebrate clean up crew that includes scavengers like sea stars and shrimp as well as snails for the sand and glass. A FOWLR is "Fish Only With Live Rock," which is pretty self explanatory. Right now your wrasses (both of them!) and your lighting will prevent you from going full reef. Both of these species will hunt and decimate any ornamental shrimp or sea star, and many will eat the snails if they can manage it. If you choose to keep your Lunare, you will need to find a happy medium between a full reef and a FOWLR.
Your lighting will also need to be considered if you want to go bigger on your corals. You have 108 watts of T5 lighting on a 75g tank....that's basically the BARE minimum even for hardy species of coral. Your GSP and your zoas will probably be OK, but they won't really thrive under this lighting. You can also do plain mushroom corals under this and you'll be OK. Once you decide to do more coral variety, however, you will need to upgrade that lighting. I would personally recommend that you do a 4-bulb or a 6-bulb T5 setup. I also notice that you have the light sitting directly on what looks like a glass top. If the fixture came with legs, I would install the light's legs, lift it off the glass, and remove the glass altogether. You will get a much better O2 saturation if you get some air flow over the water here.
If you don't want to go reef, you can keep the lighting as is and even (probably) keep the corals you own, but I would still strongly consider removing that Dragon and letting the Lunare be the boss of the tank. It is a fairly aggressive animal, and may beat up any newcomers from now on. Just be aware of that possibility.

mustang 50

New Member
i would like to eventually like to do a happy medium of corals and fish not a full blown reef tank. my light fixture isnt quite sitting on the glass there are small wood blocks that hold it above. i am also going to do a light upgrade i found a 4-bulb t5 system that im trying to get. as for my wrasses i am just keeping them until my brother gets his tank set up.. so they wont be an issue later on down the road. i also have a small invert crew 4 big turbos the wrasses are still to small to mess with them.