My cat broke my 55gallon


I knew it would happen eventually.....About a week ago I noticed a crack in the frame of my 55g FW tank.....So after reading posts about that on this site I knew I had to start thinking about replacing it...EVENTUALLY..Well eventually is tomorrow...
I have a cat tree (YES) in my living room, next to my grandfather clock, which is next to the tank...well the cat climbs his tree, goes on top of the clock, and jumps down on the lid of the tank...get the picture
Today my husband calls me when he got home from work saying...well your fear has finally happened...of course I am thinking the cat is in the tank
....NOPE but one half of the hood is, and the brace is completely broken off, and he claims the tank is bowing
well right now he has it wired, and tomorrow we go and spend $200 on a new 55g tank and 2 lids
At least the cat didn't land in it


New Member
Have you checked craigslist. You can usually find about a dozen 55 gallon tanks for $40 apiece or less.


Originally Posted by daltrey
Have you checked craigslist. You can usually find about a dozen 55 gallon tanks for $40 apiece or less.
No, there is never anything close to me, and I think time is an issue...I don't want it to burst and kill all my fish...or flood my floor either..


Active Member
one day when i came home from school i found my cat tony inside my tank fishing!


Active Member
How did I miss this? That is terrible for your Meo. As long as your ray and cat are okay...isn't that all that really matters here?
Good Luck in getting the new tank and transferring everything, this doesn't sound like fun, but on the bright side you will be fairly worry free in a few days.


Originally Posted by PEZenfuego
How did I miss this? That is terrible for your Meo. As long as your ray and cat are okay...isn't that all that really matters here?
Good Luck in getting the new tank and transferring everything, this doesn't sound like fun, but on the bright side you will be fairly worry free in a few days.
Yes I think it is going to be a job...