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No I had another one first and then bought him and they were two peas in a pod then at night they started fighting when the lights went out during my green tank episode and when the green cleared up the first clown was gone.
You told me to wait and see if this one grows and it doesnt look like he is so maybe hes a male?
I had 2 like you and one died during a tank crash. I just recently got a second one to replace him and keep the other one company. The new one is in QT so the old one owns the tank... and I mean Owns...
That little b@sturd OR B@stess bites me anytime I come near his/her side of the tank and it's a 220.
It's not much of a bite but I can see why when they get big, thats gonna hurt. I hope the ungratefull little wanker appreciates me once they are introduced.
or will i just have 2 of them biting me. LOL