My clownfish is dying... HELP!


Staff member
How the conditions at this point?
Yes....I wish you had been doing the hypo, this would have been half over with already. Do the hypo, and don't stop.
Clowns commonly move little rocks around.


What do I do about the lack of glass hydrometer issue? I can get down to 1.012 tonight and track one down tomorrow maybe for the crucial drop... Does that sound ok?


Staff member
Yes. Just don't stop with the hypo. It is very important to complete the process.
I don't know what your budget is, but there is a refractormeter selling online now for around $70.


Beth - Just found a glass hydrometer at PetLand but it looks pretty dinky... And please let me know where I can buy that refractometer - I will order it but I'm afraid it won't get here in time for the initial drop to 1.009...
Here's my big question: Ammonia levels today are up to 0.1-0.2... How do I get the levels down now that the only water changes I'm doing are small replacements with distilled water? Salinity is at 1.015. I am afraid to use the vacuum/siphon to clean the bottom and change water since it removes so much water at a time.