my clownfish isn't eating


JMO but my trick has always been to use a little bit of garlic extreme and soak it in there food for a min or two prior to feeding them. HOpe this helps a little bit


This is probably and dumbass comment on my part. But, did you ask the place where you got them what they fed them? I know my lfs likes to push NutraFin, but that's not what they feed the fish.


Active Member
The point is trying to get them to take food from you first. Some fish are picky eaters, but usually they'll start eating once they've accepted food from you. Try different variety of food for them. Try some live brine shrimp, blood worms, etc. Just something to get them start eating for you. :happyfish


Active Member
I feed mine frozen mysis, marine cusine, flakes, and formula 2 pellets. I soak all in the Garlic Xtreme. Even my snails come out of the sand when i squirt any food in the tank.


At the pet store they fed them a mix of foods, including various brands of flakes. I'm going to try some garlic additive and some frozen brine shrimp. On a sadder note of of my 2 clownfish died this morning, I believe due to stress.


Im sorry tyo hear that man just keep trying never give up this hobby is full of ups and a little downs but keep trying let us know how this are going with the feedings


Active Member
Sorry for your lose. Keep trying to feed the other clown.
How long have you had them? I got a blenny and it took him a week to eat.


Active Member
Im sorry to hear that they died but you should check your water because the water could have been what kept them from eating in the first place.


Active Member
stress wont necessarily kill a fish it will make them more susceptable to other things that can and ultimately will kill them.


It would help if you could give us all you parameters and things to help diagnose your problem like others have said it could be possible that there is an underlying problem.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rgmason
It would help if you could give us all you parameters and things to help diagnose your problem like others have said it could be possible that there is an underlying problem.
This is true, but also the fish is new to the enviroment. That can be part of the problem too. Another thing is are they wild caught? That could be a problem too.... :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by Leafer
This is probably and dumbass comment on my part. But, did you ask the place where you got them what they fed them? I know my lfs likes to push NutraFin, but that's not what they feed the fish.
Nope, actually is a great point. it's always a good idea to ask a fish store to feed fish before you buy them. That way you see what they are feeding and how they are eating.


Active Member
It is a very good point, should always ask what the LFS is feeding the fish, PLUS ask the LFS to feed the fish and see if it eats or not. That's the bad thing about online orders, you can ask them the type of feeds, but you can't see if they actually eat or not. :happyfish