My Daughters W. Geo.teacher Was Arrested

al mc

Active Member
I know this will show extreme insensitivity to the subject..but it is interesting that if the student is a male and the teacher a female, very vew men have as many problems with this...and if it were my daughter and a male teacher i would be tempted to neuter him.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Al Mc
I know this will show extreme insensitivity to the subject..but it is interesting that if the student is a male and the teacher a female, very vew men have as many problems with this...and if it were my daughter and a male teacher i would be tempted to neuter him.
its not insensitivity... its human nature to give a young man an atta boy... and do the exact opposite to a young lady...


Active Member
17-23 is only a 6 year differance...if he was 18 and she 24 would we be making a big deal of it?
not to sound insensative...sorry...


Active Member
I guess the age of consent in Texas is 18? It's 17 here in NY... Not that I condone a teacher hooking up with a student.... But, is she hot?


Active Member
Originally Posted by jtrzerocool
17-23 is only a 6 year differance...if he was 18 and she 24 would we be making a big deal of it?
not to sound insensative...sorry...
Yeah...he's a student. Teacher-student intimate relations are not allowed. It may not be illegal then, but it's still an issue.


Active Member
Not on facebook, just googled her name and that came up. You are evil crimz..................


I don't care about the age..My son is 18, and a senior and if a teacher were to come onto him I'd beat the crap out of her BEFORE I called and reported it
A teacher is supposed to be someone of authority, they are supposed to have morals....It amazes me though how many stories like this there are....I just found out my kids youth director was making inappropriate remarks to the teenage girls...The sad thing is he made LOTS to me, BUT me being an adult handled and did not think he would dothat to the kids can't trust anyone anymore


Active Member
Originally Posted by meowzer
I don't care about the age..My son is 18, and a senior and if a teacher were to come onto him I'd beat the crap out of her BEFORE I called and reported it
A teacher is supposed to be someone of authority, they are supposed to have morals....It amazes me though how many stories like this there are....I just found out my kids youth director was making inappropriate remarks to the teenage girls...The sad thing is he made LOTS to me, BUT me being an adult handled and did not think he would dothat to the kids can't trust anyone anymore
I was watching something on tv about a guy that was a pedophile and became a youth pastor. They acted as though this is becoming a trend...makes sense though. Not saying all youth pastors are pedophiles

I just remembered. I used to go to this church on Sunday nights with my friends (not friends with any of them any more) and about 200-300 other teens and we would learn about God and what not. There was one adult helper there that seemed to be really nice. I talked to him every once in a while. He loved talking about God, cracking jokes, etc.
Now he's in jail. Slept with a 15-16 year old girl that went there. Then he denied it for several months and eventually plead guilty...
Sick person...but he was good at putting on a false front. Man of God...I don't quite think so.


Active Member
Originally Posted by PEZenfuego
Yeah...he's a student. Teacher-student intimate relations are not allowed. It may not be illegal then, but it's still an issue.
so your saying that these 2 cant have a relationship? yes she is a teacher...i get it...its morally wrong...i get it...he's 17...i get it...but whos to say that they wernt ment for eachother?...
i bet you there are many ppl on this board that have wifes or husbands that are more then 6 years differance...
i am not looking at this from a teacher-student standpoint...
maybe that is why i have different thoughts...


Active Member
maybe they should quit letting teacherrs that are so young teach at high school maybe the really young teachers should just teach elementary school till they are older and the age gap widens out


Active Member
Originally Posted by jennythebugg
maybe they should quit letting teacherrs that are so young teach at high school maybe the really young teachers should just teach elementary school till they are older and the age gap widens out
that is a possible solution but that would invite a lot of lawsuits about descrimination...


Active Member
Originally Posted by jennythebugg
maybe they should quit letting teacherrs that are so young teach at high school maybe the really young teachers should just teach elementary school till they are older and the age gap widens out
I disagree though. I have a very young teacher that is simply great at what he does. He makes a lot of assignments that force us to study, and they are all different. Most teachers give us homework that is monotonous and melancholic.
Steps to doing 90% of high school assignments:
1. Look at the question and pick a key word.
2. Look through the book to find said key word.
3. Copy the sentence that contains the key word onto your paper.
Do this and you'll pass high school with flying colors while still keeping your ignorance.
Whoa...I rambled. Anyway, I like this teacher. He's close to our age and is going through school now himself so he knows EXACTLY what it's like. His job is to teach us, and he does just that...rather than just giving us homework and ignoring our questions.
I asked an older teacher (been teaching for 20 years) a's how that went:
Me-"I don't understand this grammar assignment, can you explain it in more detail, you kinda rushed through it."
Teacher- "Don't worry, it gets harder."
And then she got a satisfied smile as if she just created a cure for cancer.