My DIY sump is falling apart!


Active Member
I spent ~ $30 on my DIY sump and after a month it is falling apart. My mine problem was that I had to much space between the baffles and the edge of the tank and the silicon didn't hold. Now I am hoping the sump will last me until summer so I can have time to build a new one. My question is, is there a type of silicon that will work best? I will be using a glass tank and glass baffles (this time cut to a tighter fit).

sign guy

Active Member
GE silicone II I doubt the width between baffles had any thing to do with it falling apart. what are your baffles made of?


Active Member
glass, I had them cut to 6" x 9 1/2" This left about 1/4" of space between the edge of the glass and the tank. I should look into what silicon I used, maybe that was the problem..

sign guy

Active Member
I mis understood you if the glass was not close to the wall then the silicone could certianly give way


Active Member
Well, I've used a few spare pieces of plastic I had, cut to size as shoreing, holding up the last of the baffles. I am relatively certain the silicon I used was not the right type because it is just peeling away, I'll have to look into the GE silicon II, do you know if they sell it in small tubes or would I have to buy a whole cylinder and chalking gun?


Active Member
Oh, one more question. I just did a search and found several types of GE silicon II. I am guessing I would want the one for doors and windows, am I correct? Thanks for the information.

sign guy

Active Member
no you want the plain one it has no additives like antimildew agents or stuff like that. I think its a white tube and gold accents with black letters


Active Member
Thanks again. I didn't find any plain ones online but I'm sure I can find some when I go to the store soon.


biggest thing is to make sure its says 100% silacone on it somewhere. then you know you got the right stuff


Active Member
I purchased a new 10 gal tank today, new glass cut and new silicone II. I couldn't find any plain GE silicone II, the stuff I got said it was 100% silicone, and was labeled Clear Kitchen an Bath. It did say it has BIOLOCK, which worries me because I do not want anything bad to be in my tank but I couldn't find any of the silicone without it. Since it claims to resist mildew growth after curing I am thinking it must not be a chemical or anything but rather something about the final texture prevents mold from growing. If I am wrong about this please let me know...
The caulk I used last time was called Polysemseal, I don't know why I got it but I am pretty certain that was my major problem with my last sump.
I have a couple more questions. I am thinking about upgrading to a better return pump, I made the new sump with a bigger pump compartment in case I need it. I have an overflow rated for 600 gph, I have about 4' of head from the sump to the top of the tank, and I run a SCWD which generally lowers flow by 10%. I was looking at mag pumps and it looks like I would have to go with the 7 since the 9.5 would get me dangerously close or even over my overflow capacity. So here is my question, Is the Magdrive a good brand of pump? Also the magdrive's say they are recommended for being used external, but if I plumb the pump up and over the edge of my sump I am afraid I wouldn't have enough suction head, should this be of concern or would it be best to just use it in the sump? Or is there a better pump that will give me about 500 gph at 4'?
I am full of questions but this is my last one. Is miracle mud a good product vs. sand?

sign guy

Active Member
The mildew resistant IS a problem I dont know why but a few people have had problems finding the silicone latly. If all you need is a tube Id run out to walmart and get aquarium silicon.
mag drive pumps are great pumps I only run mags and all of them are submerced. I have a mag 9.5 on my 46 with a tiddle pool 600 gph overflowbox myself


Active Member
I have been trying to find information about WHAT bioseal is but I have found practically nothing. I do not want to risk any damage to my system so I will probably go out this week and try to find some stuff without it. I am curious what it is though. I do not know how it could be a chemical that leachs out because it would seem like it wouldn't last long. I don't know, just trying to understand how it is bad but if not I'll just accept that it is rather then risk putting anything bad in my tank.

sign guy

Active Member
Originally Posted by Jerthunter
Thanks! Just curious why the mildew resistent would be a problem. Does it leach chemicals into the water?

sign guy

Active Member
Originally Posted by Jerthunter
I have been trying to find information about WHAT bioseal is but I have found practically nothing. I do not want to risk any damage to my system so I will probably go out this week and try to find some stuff without it. I am curious what it is though. I do not know how it could be a chemical that leachs out because it would seem like it wouldn't last long. I don't know, just trying to understand how it is bad but if not I'll just accept that it is rather then risk putting anything bad in my tank.
To be honest I dont know myself, but many people have mentiond it and Id rather be safe than sorry


Active Member
Originally Posted by sign guy
To be honest I dont know myself, but many people have mentiond it and Id rather be safe than sorry
Yeah, good point. I've been doing some quick searching. Getting confusing results... No idea WHAT bioseal, some places claim that it is nothing new, just a marketing gimic for the same old silicone II.. But it isn't worth it to risk something that might be bad, I'll try to find some aquarium silicone even if it is more expensive.


Active Member
While I definately do not want to risk anything, and $5 a tube seems like a reasonable cost to ensure safety I am really starting to believe that "bioseal" is nothing. I could not find any details about WHAT it is and plenty of claims that it is the exact same ingredients as before. I guess I will just have to wait a little longer before my new sump is operational but the good news is my pieces of plastic are maintaining my old sump operational for now.
About the pumps.. I may try a 9.5 if it works for you, How high is your tank roughly and do you have anything else in the line that would lower the flow? Like a ball valve or something? One option I could try if I use a mag 9.5 is hooking up a Y to the discharge and two valves, one going to the SCWD and the other going to my phosphate reactor. Right now I am just using a spare powerhead to run the reactor..


New Member
Originally Posted by sign guy
To be honest I dont know myself, but many people have mentiond it and Id rather be safe than sorry

You are giving bad info if you don't know for sure. GE Silicone I Window and door is what you want. It is 100% silicone with no additives. All of the GE silicone II that I have seen has mildew additives in them.
Lots of reading on this subject here.. Please do not post links to other forums its against the rules Thanks.