My Emp Angel

crypt keeper

Active Member
My camera sucks. It doesnt get the yellow that well.
When I first got him. Full Juvi colors. No fading no yellow. The snout/head area has no faded color.

Now. Small changes. Yellow starting too appear like crazy at the top. Its gets more visible every week. Starting to get a few horizontial lines. The mouth area is fading. Its happening!


crypt keeper

Active Member
Its a monster. eats everything. Very calm. Doesnt bother my Bicolor angel at all. Is the clear boss of the tank. Nobody messes with him. Id say he is about 4 inches now. You can see how much longer he has grown since I had him in the QT.


thats a really pretty emperor.i have one myself and very fun to watch them grow.mine is about the same stage as yours.

crypt keeper

Active Member
My LFS said it came from the red sea. Supposedly stuff from there is prettier. When i get the move finished with and a bigger tank i plan on a Xmas Island emp along with this guy. I have seen a few people do it. Hopefully it will work as well.


Mines starting to change as well. It's just now coming out of his shell and starting to push his weight around. He's still gets bullied by my maroon clownfish but it's just a matter of time before he is the king of the tank.
You can see in the video that the horizontal lines are really starting to come in.


Originally Posted by juniors04
Looks awsome!

He was really being bullied by my Maroon Clownfish to the point that he would just stay in the left corner of the tank. I was getting fearful that he was being stressed to the point of becoming ill or even dying. I was planning on removing the clownfish and than suddenly, within last 2-3 weeks, the emperor has started to blossom. Now...he's beginning to realize that he can & probably will rule this tank.
I don't mean to hijack your thread. Just wanted to let you see what you can look forward too. I've been waiting for a while for this change and it's really exciting to finally start seeing it.

crypt keeper

Active Member
No hijack at all. I actually am glad you posted. How big is he? I swear mine gets a little more yellow daily

crypt keeper

Active Member
It's awesome to watch. I can't wait for my bigger tank so I can get a juvi queen and blueface. My emp isn't aggressive but nobody messes with him either. When I had my adult coloration blueface the BF was boss and beat him up a little. I sold the bf. How long have you had yours? Mine has grown about an inch in the past 5 months. I can't wait till he gets like yours.


Originally Posted by crypt keeper
It's awesome to watch. I can't wait for my bigger tank so I can get a juvi queen and blueface. My emp isn't aggressive but nobody messes with him either. When I had my adult coloration blueface the BF was boss and beat him up a little. I sold the bf. How long have you had yours? Mine has grown about an inch in the past 5 months. I can't wait till he gets like yours.
I think I got him last August or September. I originally wanted a blueface angel but instead I got the emperor. I think eventually I will get a blueface...but money is tight at the moment. I'm in no hurray.
How big is your tank? Any videos or pics?


Active Member
Robert you have a PM!
Both Emps guys are awesome. My actual favorite color of the Emps is a bit before they've finished changing over to full adult. When they still have some white and blue lines, but the yellow is in nice and strong...


so how long does it take b4 these lil guys start to transform i just got mine n he's a lil pig just eats everything n doesnt care

crypt keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by oceanboy13
so how long does it take b4 these lil guys start to transform i just got mine n he's a lil pig just eats everything n doesnt care
Once mine hit about 4 inches the yellow started to come I. 5 to 6 Inch range they change a lot


I just special ordered a Christmas Island Emp angel from my lfs. I'ts a 2-3 inch juvi at an unbelievable price of $70. I'll post pics when I get it next Thursday.


Active Member
Originally Posted by crypt keeper
unless you know the guy then im pretty sure you arent getting a $500 fish for $70.
$70 is less then the cost of shipping from X-mas Island, to Japan, to the US the wholesaler
paid, let alone what your LFS paid the wholersaler.