My Entire Tank is dead!!


My local fish store just sold me this Wet Dry Filter system.... I have never had one of these... It looks very confusing... It has the Protein Skimmer built in... Is this overkill for my 55?? It has the Overhang , and the box for Underneath....
I went with the T5 Lighting


Originally Posted by DarthSimon
My local fish store just sold me this Wet Dry Filter system.... I have never had one of these... It looks very confusing... It has the Protein Skimmer built in... Is this overkill for my 55?? It has the Overhang , and the box for Underneath....
I went with the T5 Lighting
Alot of people use wet/drys. It is good. The T-5's will work, but you have to be carfull of what you select. T-5's wil be strong enough for some creatures, but not enough for others.


Ok, 55 Gallon tank is setup.... Put 50 pounds of fresh live cured rock. Returned the wet dry... To big for my cabnit honestly... Using 2 filters, Aquaclear 110, and 70. Will put a good Protein Skimmer on in few weeks... On the filters using Sponge and carbon bags, none of the bio rings yet... Also put in a 3 oz bag of that ready Bacteria... 30 Pounds of live sand for the substrate....
At what point should I switch the live rock, corals and BTA over from the nano, and treat the nano?? ... Would I cross contaminate with the ich from the nano... No signs of ich in the nano today.. The False Pec Clown, the single survivor from last week's WW III plague, is eating again, and doing great.. all the corals in the nano have come back to full bloom...
I also have about 20 pounds of LR in the Nano I can move over......



Guys? When should i move the corals, BTA as well as LR from nano??
Would love to make the nano a QT asap... Start treating the Clown...


How is your clown?
Test all the water perameters on the 55 PH, KH, Ammonia, NO2, NO3, Specific gravity and such you want to make sure the SG, PH and ALK are close to the 29 before moving the corals once in there you can slowly fix the parameters. The ich and such should die off in three weeks with out any fish to live on, it wont live on other surfaces including crabs and inverts for very long. Treat the clown with something that has formalin in it but not copper.
(I had a clown that I put in QT and it did fine) keep the lights with the clown on short cycle to help it get less stressed try feeding it Cyclopes you can add garlic if you want.
In the 55 you want the NO2 and Ammonia 0 and the NO3 as close to 0 as possible as well as the PO4 at 0. Stress helps the ich get hold by weakening the slime coat on the fish and can be caused simply by moving the fish to a new home. Oh put a pvc tube in with the clown so it can hide and feel safe in the QT. Good luck! Hey try testing the water that you are useing before you put it in the tank... you could be bringing the problem home in the water.


The clown is back to thriving again. Ich free... Eating like a pig.. And swimming entire tank, not just back...
Water in old tank 29 nano..
Temp 79-80
Salinity 1.0225
Nitrate 40
Nitrite 0
Amon 0
KH 250-300
New 55
Temp 80
Salinity 1.0225
Nitrate 0
Nitrite 0
Amon 0
KH 250-300
Should I switch corals and Bubble Tip Anem, as well as live rock now, and treat nano ??
Clown is still in the nano...


Ok my only concern is putting the BTA and corals in a tank that has not cycled. all the LR can go in. I have never used ready Bacteria. If every one in the 29 tank is doing ok let the 55 cycle before you start changeing things. and keep 10 gal of salt on hand incase of emergency water change. By the way point one power head at the surface to airate the water don't think you need an air stone. IMO


This is inverts and coral going in there. Go ahead and move your stuff. You will have to build up the biological bacteria slowly over the next 5 weeks by adding a little food, letting it break down, ect. You are adding your orignal LR in there as well, you will be just fine.



Hows it looking??
Yes, brought over my live rock...
How long do I wait now for fish... 4 weeks?? Also need to do hypo on the nano tank now.. I cleared out the tank. It has one clown, 2 pieces of pvc pipe, and 2 pieces of live rock... I know the live rock comes out during hypo...


Active Member
your tank looks sweet. you need to get your salinity up to 1.025-1.026 for inverts to feel comfey though.



Getting a little build up of salt and mositure at the bottom of the tank... Im not seeing any water marks leading down to that point? It's about 3 inches wide the salt mark... Would this mean I have a small leak at the bottom by the seal?? Should I seal the edge with something?


Active Member
i think if you had a leak at the bottom, you'd really know it. that's a lot of water pressure. did you have some water on your arms and drip it onto the bottom? i'd clean it off, and put a paper towel there. if it gets wet, then you do have a leak.
if it is a leak, you'll have to fix it from the inside of the tank...


I noticed it yesterday... Wiped it off, then this morning for a second time.... Tank was setup for a week with nothing there though.... It's salt with a tiny bit of moisture.... I dont think it's from the top because both times, i didnt notice and water streaks on the front glass...
Can I fix with water in the tank??


Here is a stupid question... Hypothetically speaking, gonna start hypo in nano tonight , could I buy a new fish and also put him in there with the clown, so hypo would be done to both, and 3-4 weeks would go bye, and both are treated.... ???
So clown gets treated, as well as new fish for ich... Then they are both ich free.. By then new tank will be 5 weeks old and ich free, put 2 fish in DT??


Guys, gonna do Hypo manana... What percentage of the water should I remove, and replace with Distilled?? 20 Percent per day??



Nano is in hypo for 4 days now. Clows skin and color is back to perfect color, and no signs of ich.... So Now wait another 2.5 weeks, then start raising??
On a side not, my green Gonipora when I switched it over to the 55 started to thrive...Biggest extension I have ever seen... Solid 3 inch arms... That was for a about a week... Now the last few days he is back to being puckered up and not extending. I am noticing some slime comming out of him..... Is he dying? I do feed the tank oyster eggs every few days...
Any thoughts?
Also Sepulation said to start feedng the tank some food.... Should I start now?? 1 cube of Mysis?? How often??
Thanks for help as always guys and gals...


Active Member
nice looking setup. i only see one powerhead though, you'll need more (unless of course i'm blind)