Ok, 55 Gallon tank is setup.... Put 50 pounds of fresh live cured rock. Returned the wet dry... To big for my cabnit honestly... Using 2 filters, Aquaclear 110, and 70. Will put a good Protein Skimmer on in few weeks... On the filters using Sponge and carbon bags, none of the bio rings yet... Also put in a 3 oz bag of that ready Bacteria... 30 Pounds of live sand for the substrate....
At what point should I switch the live rock, corals and BTA over from the nano, and treat the nano?? ... Would I cross contaminate with the ich from the nano... No signs of ich in the nano today.. The False Pec Clown, the single survivor from last week's WW III plague, is eating again, and doing great.. all the corals in the nano have come back to full bloom...
I also have about 20 pounds of LR in the Nano I can move over......