My father clean my tank with dishwasher soap


LFS's saying to use soap? awful. Soap has chemicals that you wouldn't willingly put into your body because it would make you sick. Imagine what that would do to something 1/100th of your size. It just doesn't make sense. And we go through aquariums making sure anything we use is completely sterile including wearing gloves so the things dried on our skin don't leach into the water. i'm just in awe.
(how's that for how i really feel?)


Active Member
Originally Posted by watson3
In your next posts

no, you misunderstood. i meant the LFs recomended my dad clean the tank with dishsoap during the 100% water changes they recomended... not while fish are still IN it. although, it was still pretty horrible advice. lol


Active Member
ouch id be really pissed at him, and make him pay for the damages. im really sorry.
100% water changes and clean the glass with dishsoap? that tops the cake on the bad things ive heard people say about their lfs.


Active Member
I'm kind of perplexed by this thread. How large is your tank? I would hope that it is pretty large if you are housing three tangs.
Why were you doing a 50% water change? A change that large should be reserved for emergencies, not done as part of your regular maintainance.
In any event, dishwasher detergent will wipe out your beneficial bacteria. You might be having some serious water issues even if your critters survive.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sexyfishers
sponge or clean towel etc, yes maybe, SOAP, heck no! ??? Do you remember having to eat the soap for bad words when you were little? I bet your dad was one of those.. mine was!
lol mine was!


Active Member
wow i think this one tops the "my little neice dumped a 1/2 bottle of hot sauce in my tank" post
lol.... poor fish.....good luck getting your tank back to normal


Active Member
Since the author has not responded in 29 posts I am lead to believe that this is bogus. I am locking the thread. Barry
Sorry I was too busy doing water change that I forgot to post. Sorry everyone. Yes the fish and coral was still inside. My dad was trying to be helpful. I took all the live rock and the fish out and did a 50% water change. I just finish about 30 minutes ago. Man, it was hard work. My dad did tell me he will buy me anything that died. Well, everything look fine for now.


Active Member
was this real? Or a deleted scene from Dumb and Dumber?
Dont make him feel tooo bad, but next time he goes takes a nap, make it up to him, show him how much you love him and wash his Vette for him......with a wire brish.


Active Member
Maybe try Purigen from SeaChem, works like carbon but synthetic, also use the carbon, and keep doing water changes, maybe some phosphate remover also, lots of soap can contain this. The best thing to be sure is to remove what you want to keep into a QT or large tubs, drain water,remove sand and get new, also rinse everything very,very well with fresh water only. Also, you could try a Chemi-Mat or Poly Filters. Sorry about being harsh



I'm sorry to say but I bet the damage is already done. You can get out all the soap with carbon. but the fact is you probaly killed most of the bacteria with the soap. I would for see big problems in the future with alage and water conditions. You will be starting you Bio-System all over. (most dish soaps are ANTI-Bacterial. Not Good for Bacteria. Your dad Droped the equivelent of a Nuc on your Bacteria Population)
I would defenatly get some (well alot of) Sea-chem this will work best for what you have in your tank. run that for about 2 days then do another water change. And get some live bacteria to add to your tank. I know you can buy it but I can't think if the name right now. mabey someone else can think of it.
This is just for starts