My first fish into QT tank, comments/help?


These are my first 2 fish, both clownfish. I have had my QT set up for about 2 weeks now and I have been checking the water daily. I am curious if this looks about right? Also the clowns came with some flacks, how often and how many?
(My birthday is Jan. 3rd, so I came home today and my gf had these in the QT tank and I am just wondering if its all good)
Any comments/help would be nice.


A lot of people say use bare bottom. Only thing I have different on mine is a HOB filter with mechanical filtration.


Originally Posted by Ice4Ice
I agree. Get rid of the fake plant - no need for them.
I disagree. Ornamental plants are perfectly fine to use in a qt for added shelter.


These are my first 2 fish, both clownfish. I have had my QT set up for about 2 weeks now and I have been checking the water daily. I am curious if this looks about right? Also the clowns came with some flacks, how often and how many?
(My birthday is Jan. 3rd, so I came home today and my gf had these in the QT tank and I am just wondering if its all good)
If the qt has not been cycled then have water ready for changes. I like the sponge filter. I use them myself. Try the flakes, but I highly doubt that they will eat it. Pick up some frozen foods. Go with frozen formula foods. They have a nice mix of meats and veggies in them. You have to defrost them in a cup dedicated to this purpose only. Be certain that there is no soap residue. Boil a small glass dish if need be. What are your water parameters in the qt and in the DT? Can you post them for us?


Active Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
I disagree. Ornamental plants are perfectly fine to use in a qt for added shelter.
I have to agree with sepulatian, ornamental plants is fine to use. When I had to separate a fish with parasites once. I use ornamental plants and PVC tubings with sponge filter and it works just fine. Like it was mentioned, have water ready for water changes if the tank isn't cycled.....


Active Member
By the way, get some Frozen Cyclopeeze, clowns loves those stuff!!!! Over time, you can teach them to eat something else as well....


Originally Posted by Mikeyjer
By the way, get some Frozen Cyclopeeze, clowns loves those stuff!!!! Over time, you can teach them to eat something else as well....
That is much smaller in size and likely to attract their attention. Good choice


Better to use a piece of LR for hte fish to hide and it will also aid in cycling your tank.
I wouldn't trust anything made of plastic from China.... All it will be is a bacteria trap.
If you need to medicate, then you just pull out the LR and put it in your sump or display tank during that time.


Active Member
Originally Posted by NOTSONOOB
If you need to medicate, then you just pull out the LR and put it in your sump or display tank during that time.
I wouldn't do that, if your fish had parasites that would introduce them into your display.


wow hes so tiny! reminds me of when mine was that small. Now their close to 3 inches 7 months later. Just wait! Usually the clowns are easy eaters and will try picking at almost anything that comes in its way so I'm sure you will be fine with getting him fed. GL to you!


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
I wouldn't do that, if your fish had parasites that would introduce them into your display.
I agree, I wouldn't place a piece of LR in the QT. For one if you medicate the water you will run the risk of the medication staying on the LR and if you place the LR back into the DT, then you could possibly kill your inverts.
I would stick with the bare bottom, and only using plastic tubes. Just make sure they are clean.


Active Member
Personally I think your QT is fine, I don't like your rocks but they don't hurt anything, just in my mind it is an eyesore. I think your qt tank is well setup.


Sorry for the slow response, Just woke up, and I am on EST.
Well first off last night I fed the 2x Clowns before bed and they did not even look at the flakes. This morning I get up and I put a lil pitch of flakes in the bottom and they eat them then spit them out. They did this over and over. The guy working at the LFS where my gf got them said this is what they gave her to feed them. I might try something else. So if i do go frozen what is the best recommendation? Also how much of the cube?
About the powerhead, it is a 10g tank, and the LFS told the gf that she did not need to buy one for clowns, that they would not want all that water in that small of tank is this true?
Ya I will take out the rocks. She had them in there when I got home as a surprise. So I wanted to check on here before I took them out.
Finally, about my water in my DT the DT isnt even set up yet. I was told these have to be in the QT for 40 days or so before I can introduce them into the DT, tomarrow is when the DT is getting set up. I will keep everyone posted and pics. You all are more help then most of the books ive been reading.
Thanks agian.


Active Member
If your DT isn't setup, then you could have set it up then added the clowns - no need for QT. The purpose of a QT tank is to ensure that your fish don't have ich or any other parasites on them. The 4 weeks or so of waiting time is the general livespan of these parasites, so that if they do have ich you will notice within that time frame.
Since you do not have a DT or anything in it, you could have set it up, cycled it, then added the fish. We are beyond that point, i know, I just wanted to explain the purpose of the QT and let you know it wasn't necessary in this case.
The QT looks great, and you can keep the rocks if you want, it was just an opinion:)
Keep up the good work, I look forward to seeing your DT setup.


Active Member
That is correct, when you have an ESTABLISHED DT with FISH and other INVERTS/CORALS QT is a must. But in your case, you don't have it setup yet (or at least that is what i've read) so i'm just letting you know technically if your DT was cycled and just recently setup w/o anything in it you could have just added them.
The QT tank is a place where you can treat your fish if they do have ich. Most ich and parasite treatments (chemicals, dropping salinity) will kill inverts and corals. So people with established DT can't treat in the DT, so this is where the QT tank comes into play. You want to treat them in the QT tank so you don't kill off other inverts. You want to QT for four weeks so that if they do have ich, they don't pass it onto other fish in your DT.
Does that make sense?


OOOOO I get it, since these are my first fish and my DT is not set up I really dont even need to put them into the QT. haha I never really thought about that. Cause I could of just set up DT and put them in (after cycle).. DOH! aw well I guess they will grow alil before going in. Thanks!
What do you think about the frozen food?
Also powerhead?