My First SW Tank 24 Gal Aquapod


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Are you saying the algae makes my tank look better or worse ? I try to get it out but it just keep coming back and plus i am sure it grows in the ocean as well :) HAHAHA. Seems like there are some small copepods that run around in the algae


Active Member
Not sure what type of algae that is, it does look like it belongs though
I love the pics of your goby/pistol combo, very cool, they look like they were made for each other
And your blastos are sick, they are uber expensive where I am so I have to drool on my keyboard looking at yours


Active Member
Yo thanks NIssan and Subie for the comments :) I totally appreciate it. Its you few that keep commenting that make me wants to take more and more pictures. I am gonna go to ***** now and pick up something that reaches into the tank to get rid of that hard type of algae on the glass so i can get better and more pics of my jbj nano cube now as well:


Active Member
Sounds good bro, and if it weren't for tanks like yours, rebels, Kat's, and nwdyr I probably would have never gotten a tank


Active Member
heyyyyyyy here I am
Are you talking about the algae around the goby house? if so leave it , looks like he decorated it for x-mas
looks cool! I am setting up the buckets for the big move
If I get some energy and my knee stops throbbing for a hour or so , I think I will try to make the change tonight.
You have not made a comment on my thread in months...not muck of a boycott. then again neither have I
Well i will be starting a new one for the new tank , then I expect you to post away!!! I think I am getting a colony of acan's , that one I was talkin about before. But only half , about 30 nice heads. It will look cool in the 75. I am also going to put some old dead coral in there and try to "seed it" i have some nice big pieces so it will look nice when it gets some growth on it. There now you are sorry I posted huh? talkin about my tank soo much
sorry bout that Bro


Active Member
love the shrimp and goby combo I want one and im gonna get one for my 5 gal...
I just got home man. Work, Then school, then workout, then work, then fball game lol


Active Member
no this is what you did today! lol
work, school, think of nissan, then blazin, then fball, then workout, then more nissan and blazin


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WOW Thanks so much Whisk,NWDYR,Nissan and Rbel for all the cool comments :) I LOVE IT WHEN YOU GUYS COMMENT. Unfortunately my camrea ran out of battery life tonite so not able to up the pics i took :( I took some decent ones too i tyhink. And also i will leav ethe lage but only ciutya it down when it getszz to big and crowdereding alll the others. Oh and rebel i didnt know you play football. Thats cool. I played football in Little League back in the day and we won state champs LOL. I had 3 ints in that game. LOL SO CARZY AND LONG AGO. And nwdyr you know i will comment when you start a new one. Oh and reb my lfs has a yashia and pistol shrimp combo in a 3 gal so i think it would work great in 5 :) It would be awesome. Also do any of you know about a 98 acura ? I think i am gonna get one :( I cant really afford brand new cars like you all because yall must be rich or something but i wish i could! Plus i spend about a stack every month on corals.LOL


Active Member
Ok so i was looking thru my tank tonight and i had noticed before my dottyback grabbing mouthfuls of sand and then going to other side of tank and spitting it out. Well i found out what for. It has dug out a huge hole under one of my liverocks and have a cave underneath there set up.LOL. I figured it was just another cave for my goby and shrimp pair but noooo my orchid dottyback is in there. But the yashia and pistol are under another rock so i am not worried about the dottyback killing the pistol but i just though was interesting cause i had always though it just sleeps inside one of the holes in the rocks.LOL. Crazy fish they are. Its cool to see how your fish sleep at night. My blenny in my other tank goes to exact same spot everynight when i turn out the lights. Sleeps beside the skimmer thing on my Sleeps upside down as well on the backwall. Kinda wierd. wonder why clownfish never sleep though. They are always swimming.
gaaah im very very jealous of your yashi pistol combo. I started cycling today and can not wait to buy my yashi and pistol shrimp, ive had my heart set on one since i first saw it in my lfs. How do you like them? are they interesting to watch or do they hide all day


Active Member
I would definately recommend getting it : ) I dont see mine but maybe 3 times a day and thats when i feed my tank. Now the one in my jbj nano i see maybe 1once a week or something.LOL. he i think was totally wild and not tame at all but this one in my aquapod i see all the time :) As long as my orchid dottyback isnt attacking it. Its always out. But it is definately fun to watch with the shimrp
hmm thats good enough for me, i have my tank on my desk so im sure ill get no studying done come finals week and i can thank my tank for that


Active Member
I too like to know where my fish sleep. That is funny about your pseudochromis, I didn't think they did that
I know you think I am crazy but I think my sixline sleeps in the sand in the back of my tank


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Originally Posted by Blazin2k6
Ok so i was looking thru my tank tonight and i had noticed before my dottyback grabbing mouthfuls of sand and then going to other side of tank and spitting it out. Well i found out what for. It has dug out a huge hole under one of my liverocks and have a cave underneath there set up.LOL. I figured it was just another cave for my goby and shrimp pair but noooo my orchid dottyback is in there. But the yashia and pistol are under another rock so i am not worried about the dottyback killing the pistol but i just though was interesting cause i had always though it just sleeps inside one of the holes in the rocks.LOL. Crazy fish they are. Its cool to see how your fish sleep at night. My blenny in my other tank goes to exact same spot everynight when i turn out the lights. Sleeps beside the skimmer thing on my Sleeps upside down as well on the backwall. Kinda wierd. wonder why clownfish never sleep though. They are always swimming.
thats pretty cool to hear. I think thats one of the neat things about aqauriums, always something new to see.