Hi Emperieo11.
Thank you. It is 29 gallon tank with about 75 pounds of live rock but about 50 percent are diy rock made by rockland cement mixed with oytershell, 3 1/5 live sand, 1 small water pump from my bird bath fountain, 1 power head from my friend ( don't known how much output ? ) super skimmer from Corallife for 65 gals tank, Lunar aqualight 2-65 watt lamps, 250 watts heater, no fillter at all, set up about 6 months ago I use Oceanic natural sea salt mix with RO water, I change 5 gallons water every 3 weeks and I use Seachem Trace Element for every Monday and Thursday and Kent Phytoplex every Mon, wend and Fri
live stock I had 2 firefishes, 1 royal rama, 2 yellowclown gobies, 1 6 lines wrasse, 1 bicolor blammy goby, 2 good side Emerald grads, 10 star shells, 7 hermith grads, elephant ear mushroom ,tree corals, pulse xinias, green ricordea, pine organ coral,green star polyps, botton coral, open brain green coral, green goniopola coral, colt coral,
That all I had so far