My first tank


Here are some more pics of my newly tank. I rearranged it a litle bit so tell me what ya think. Which one do you like beter the first one or this one and be honest please. I had just got a blue powder tang and 2 new coral.(Sry forgot what they are called if you know what they are if you would mind telling me. it is the red one and the other one. thanx



Active Member
AHH!!! Oh no! The LFS has done it again! A PBT does not belong in any tank under 75 gallons, IMO, preferably much larger. Especially in a uniquely shaped aquarium. Take him back to the lfs ASAP. BTW, I like the new rockwork a whole lot better. It looks real nice now. I'd take the fake stuff out if I were you... Also, your anemone looks bleached. What kind of lighting is he under?


Oh sorry i didnt mention that i am in the process of seting up a 125 gallon aquarium. It should be done in about 2 weeks or less, thanks. Any comment are more than welcome.


Hi Emperieo11.
Thank you. It is 29 gallon tank with about 75 pounds of live rock but about 50 percent are diy rock made by rockland cement mixed with oytershell, 3 1/5 live sand, 1 small water pump from my bird bath fountain, 1 power head from my friend ( don't known how much output ? ) super skimmer from Corallife for 65 gals tank, Lunar aqualight 2-65 watt lamps, 250 watts heater, no fillter at all, set up about 6 months ago I use Oceanic natural sea salt mix with RO water, I change 5 gallons water every 3 weeks and I use Seachem Trace Element for every Monday and Thursday and Kent Phytoplex every Mon, wend and Fri
live stock I had 2 firefishes, 1 royal rama, 2 yellowclown gobies, 1 6 lines wrasse, 1 bicolor blammy goby, 2 good side Emerald grads, 10 star shells, 7 hermith grads, elephant ear mushroom ,tree corals, pulse xinias, green ricordea, pine organ coral,green star polyps, botton coral, open brain green coral, green goniopola coral, colt coral,
That all I had so far


Active Member
Okay here it goes. These are not the best pics nor is my tank anywhere's near the calibur that all of you have. But this is what gets cheap Canadian in this hobby thus far.



so is that it? I am also having an ro unit for sale for 160 dollars if any body is interested. Brand new purely h2o. Optima professional edition. look at it and give me a offer


Active Member
Suggested fish I would put in a tank of that size: Not all these fish but just a list of the ones I like.
Dwarf Lion (only if you don't want to have any small fish)
Dwarf Angel
Six Line Wrasse
Bangaii Cardinal
Bi-color Blenny
Yellow Goby
Ocellaris Clown
Gold Bared Maroon Clown
Bi-Color Psuedochromis
School of Green Chromis


Originally Posted by Unbreakabl
Here are some more pics of my newly tank. I rearranged it a litle bit so tell me what ya think. Which one do you like beter the first one or this one and be honest please. I had just got a blue powder tang and 2 new coral.(Sry forgot what they are called if you know what they are if you would mind telling me. it is the red one and the other one. thanx

I think the red one is a CHILI coral, some LFS's even call them CHILI Sponge. But Coral is more correct. I have been looking at them and they do bring a lot of color to your tank. I have read that they do not like direct light at the top of the tank. So keep an eye on it and move if looking bad.


ok thankyou debbie i will look at those fish and thankyou for telling me what to do with the coral. i will look after him and at night he looks great he pops out into little flowers it is really cool.


New Member
looks really nice. my tank didnt look nearly that good when it was 4 mths old. good job. (boy do i miss my tank)