My First Tank


Hey Guys, Here is a picture of my 55 gal. This is my first attempt at saltwater. Decided to stay away from coral until I bacame more comfortable. If anybody has any suggestions on it, I would be greatfull. Also, any ideas on the types of inverts(cleanup crew) I should get? Like I said I am a beginner and don't know much about starting a tank like this. It has been cycling for about 4 weeks now. Am I ready for the fish yet? :happyfish I am getting very impatient. :jumping:



Active Member
Looks like your off to a good start. If I was you I would get rid of the undergravel filter. Do you have a test kit? What do you keep water at salinity/temp wise. Anyways it looks like your good to go. I also would of went with sand as CC causes problems.


Yes I have a specific gravity tester, ph, nitrate, nitrite, and ammonia test kit. My specific gravity is 1.0218, ammonia 0ppm, nitrite 0ppm, nitrate 0ppm, and ph is about 7.7. Temp is about 74 degrees. What kind of problems could the CC cause? Also, why get rid of the underwater filter?


Active Member
Undergravel filter sucks everything to the bottom causing the Crushed Coral to get clogged. The crushed coral then will cause trates. Id rase temp up to 78-82 and raise salinity up to 1.025-6 if reef or 1.024-5 if fowlr. Did you start the cycle?


I have dome some water changes but do I need to do anything else to cycle. My tank was at 78 degrees , but I thought that was high. I will turn the heater back on.


Active Member
Yea 78-82. During the cycle you dont want to do water changes. You want to add a shrimp. Let ammonia go up take the shrimp out and everyhting ill go up and then let it fall. Then add fish!


Active Member
Originally Posted by dmcoug9
It has been cycling for about 4 weeks now. Am I ready for the fish yet? :happyfish I am getting very impatient. :jumping:
CYcling for 4 weeks and there is no sign of any algae? did you initiate the cycle or has the tank been just running with water in it?
ditch the under gravel filter, shoot the person who told you it was great for salt water. ( yes it worked in the past but its wayy outdated technology for marine tanks)
If it was my tank I would also ditch the crushed coral, but it does work its just higher maintinence. be prepared to gravel siphon when you do water changes. I would switch to a DSB (deep sand bed).
Buy lots of live rock, about 60-70 LBS or a little less.
is this going to be a fish only tank or a reef?
also bring your SG to 1.024 at the minimum for the health of you future cleaning crew.


Active Member
Originally Posted by dmcoug9
Thanks Triga think I will run and get some now. Like I said I am getting very impatient
dont get too impatient if you didn't initiate your cycle (dead shrimp fish food etcetera) you havent even started it yet.


Fish only tank. I dont know enough to have coral, but I really want it. I put a couple of damsels in there about two weeks ago and they are good is that enough to initiate the cycle. Triga suggested getting some shrimp.


Originally Posted by dmcoug9
Fish only tank. I dont know enough to have coral, but I really want it. I put a couple of damsels in there about two weeks ago and they are good is that enough to initiate the cycle. Triga suggested getting some shrimp.

damsels did the trick in cycling the tank, though damsels can be very teritorrial at times depending on species and size. shrimp is not necessary with fish. take some of the suggestions mentioned earlier.
with this hobby , i know its hard to be patient but it will be worth it in the end. everybody gets excited with a new hobby. take your time and make the suggested changes and you will find that you will have less work in the long run.


yeah i had seen alot of postings here about damsels not being very friendly but I heard that they were very hardy fish


Originally Posted by dmcoug9
yeah i had seen alot of postings here about damsels not being very friendly but I heard that they were very hardy fish



New Member
Hi, we have 6 damsels in our 55 gal along with 2 blennies, an angel, a lion and a garden eel. One of the damsels was very territorial when they were the first to be established to our tank. Since the bigger fish were added to the tank, the 'bully' damsel just hangs out with rest of the damsels and doesn't chase everyone around anymore. Good luck with your tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by dandt
Hi, we have 6 damsels in our 55 gal along with 2 blennies, an angel, a lion and a garden eel. One of the damsels was very territorial when they were the first to be established to our tank. Since the bigger fish were added to the tank, the 'bully' damsel just hangs out with rest of the damsels and doesn't chase everyone around anymore. Good luck with your tank.
Isn't this quite a bit for a 55