my fish wish list


these are the fish i have decided i would like. i am unsure which are compatible and which arent hence this post :)
i have a 100gal and im going FOWLR
keep in mind i dont nesicarily have to have the EXACT species i would like
volitan loin
dogface puffer
pair of clowns
1 or more blue tangs
cleaner/coral banded shrimp + cleanup crew
snowflake eel (this is the smallest growing eel isnt it?)
emperor angel
i think thats it
i did want a picasso trigger but from what i have read they are too unpredictable and aggressive.


Active Member
Your list is overloaded for a 100 gallon tank. I would take off the emporer angel, definitely the shrimp (due to the lion and eel), and if you are set on getting a tang, one is the most I would even try.


yeah thanks basically that was my shortlist of fish i liked lol
and i'm still undecided as to EXACTLY which i will get.
so what combinations will work together?


Originally Posted by apolyom
these are the fish i have decided i would like. i am unsure which are compatible and which arent hence this post :)
i have a 100gal and im going FOWLR
keep in mind i dont nesicarily have to have the EXACT species i would like
volitan loin
dogface puffer
pair of clowns
1 or more blue tangs
cleaner/coral banded shrimp + cleanup crew
snowflake eel (this is the smallest growing eel isnt it?)
emperor angel
i think thats it
i did want a picasso trigger but from what i have read they are too unpredictable and aggressive.
well after some further research my lost has changed once again. i am scrapping the snowflake and am impartial to the puffer.
this leaves all invert friendly fish? am i correct?
also is an emperor angel too big for my tank? if so then whats an angel alternative that would be suitable?


Active Member
I would scrap the emperor angel and get a beautiful dwarf angel instead. Flames are beautiful, coral beauties are very nice, etc.


It's really hard to keep any inverts at all with a puffer. I've tried and failed many times. Just doesn't work.
As for the the Lion...they may or may not eat your inverts, it's a gamble there. But if you're considering a lion, have you seen a radiata lion? They are more stunning to look at in my opinion than a volitan. Either are cool though.
If you have a 100gal maybe you could consider putting the aggressive ones in your main tank (lion, puffer, eel, etc) and have a refugium for the clean-up crew. Just a thought.
Given your setup, I'll tell you what I would get:
  • Radiata Lionfish
    • puffer (sharp-nose like the hawaiian blue for me, I don't like dog-face personally) or a trigger (I like the rectangular or niger)
    Eel (moray? no real experience with eels)
And then just run like a 20-39 gallon refugium with the clean-up crew. That's just what I would do.


yeah i was actually considering the clean up crew in the sump. would they be as effective in there though?
i think i am going to scrap the eel and more than likely the puffer. still not sure lol im not ready for fish yet but i thought i'd do a bit of research beforehand.


Active Member
It's a good thing you are doing research, it's good for the fish and for your piece of mind. There nothing like the stress of knowing your fish might fight or eat each other. Research is the best thing to do before buying so you know what you are getting into with each fish. It would be nice if everyone did that. ***)


yeah it would be nice hatessushi. for me its been very informative and its been good to know that the fish i WOULD have bought would have overloaded the bio and if surviving that they would more than likely have killed each other costing me even MORE $$$$. so its good for everyone that a site like this exists.


I totally agree. Research is key in this hobby.
If you're scrapping the eel and puffer, then lions and triggers make good companions. I've read too that triggers/lions don't mix, but it's usually only with certain species of triggers. The more mellow ones will leave the lion alone. The bolder ones like the queen trigger will be brats to the lion, but I've seen it done successfully before anyways.
As far as the refugium....YES. They will be very beneficial to you tank. The water will get cleaned "behind the scenes" plus a refugium can be a good place for things like pods to form, which the inhabitants of your main tank may find as a nice snack. Also a refugium lets you increase your water volume so your bio-load is reduced. The only thing you won't benefit in your main tank is the glass cleaning and sand-sifting of some species. You could still get some kind of sand sifting fish in your main tank though to help with that.


Also, the tang can be a good idea with lions/triggers, but the powder blue is generally considered a harder one to take care of. Some kind of tang may be beneficial though (algae eaters)!


yeah i think i have decided on my final list
huma huma
radiata lion
blue hippo tang
snowflake eel
dogface puffer
clowns (what species will go with all these?)


thanks i'll keep that in mind. otherwise all fish will be comapitble together?
will an anemone survive? or will it get eaten?


Active Member
I don't see why you can't add the Maroon Clownfish. They get about 6 inches as adults and they are aggressive SOBs and territorial. He should have no problems holding his own.


excellent either way they are nice clowns.
so my 100g fish list is complete
now its just a matter of saving the $$$
oh and what is the best order to add these fish to the tank?


make sure with a snowflake eel that there are NO openings in the lid anywhere. Not even a return from the filter. They are master escape artists.
Just add the territorial species last, like the clowns and humu humu. Other than that I'm not too sure on which order you'd have to add those. But that looks like a sweet setup ;)


Oh, and an anenome would definitely get eaten in that tank, most likely by the puffer. If you get some aggressive clowns that adopt it though, it may survive.
I'm a big fan of Clarkii clowns, but the maroon clown would probably hold its own better in that tank.