My girfriend wants to set up a 10 gallon, please help


Not telling. But I am not in high school yet, I will tell you that. Getting sort of close, though.
Also, get a peppermint shrimp. Mine is very good cleaning up. Mine also interacted with me. THey have great personality. Just some advice though, DO NOT GET URCHINS! They are big waste producers. They literally cover up half of your bottom area with poop! Trust me, I had one. I had to return it to my LFs. Mine also stripped a quarter of the life on my live rock off!


Yeah, coral shrimps are good. I remember I saw this big, humongous coral shrimp in a tank at my LFS. He was like 3 inches! Most coral shrimp don't make it past two inches. Also, if neon gobies don't satisfy your girlfriend because of their short lifespan, you could get a yellownose prawn goby. It looks like it appeared off a comic book.


Ok, so far I've got her the tank, canopy, filter (stock filter, like what come in the "starter kits"), salt, and sand. I bought 10 pounds of the "crappy" sand (not live sand, can't afford it). My plan is to use the 10 pounds of normal sand, then mix it with 10 pounds of my mature live sand, so she'll have a nice, deep sand bed. I'm also going to give her some of my live rock once the tank has been running for a month or so.


Originally Posted by tywtly13
Ok, so far I've got her the tank, canopy, filter (stock filter, like what come in the "starter kits"), salt, and sand. I bought 10 pounds of the "crappy" sand (not live sand, can't afford it). My plan is to use the 10 pounds of normal sand, then mix it with 10 pounds of my mature live sand, so she'll have a nice, deep sand bed. I'm also going to give her some of my live rock once the tank has been running for a month or so.
So you're planning on 20lbs of sand in a 10G tank? That's going to take a lot of room away from the fish you want to keep. IMO, deep sand beds aren't the best idea in a nano. I only have 10lbs of sand in my 14G and it leaves me with a 2-3" sand bed in most places.


Oh ok, then I'll give her less of my sand
How much of mine should I add with the non-live sand?If she has 10 pounds of the "dead", then I know she'll need some added live for the gobies to sift through, much?


Originally Posted by tywtly13
Oh ok, then I'll give her less of my sand
How much of mine should I add with the non-live sand?If she has 10 pounds of the "dead", then I know she'll need some added live for the gobies to sift through, much?
I'd do 5 and 5 if she's already bought the "dead" sand.


Oh yes! I just can't wait till my family gets moved out of this place we're in so I can get the big ones going!