Thank you guys/gals for the kind words. I’m fairly new to reef tanks, though I kept FO for many yrs. This is a 72 gal bowfront. This size tank is somewhat limiting because it really only has about 12” to work with. It bows out to 18” in the middle but that doesn’t help much. So, I was pretty limited for depth and ended up setting up a reef shelf type arrangement. I put in as much depth as I could with caves and overhangs, etc. This is mostly a tank. It’s a natural system. Totally filtered by LR and DSB and detritivores. No refuge or sump. I have a HOT skimmer, but I consider foam refract. also as a natural form of filtering. No predators for my DSB. Life is so thick in the DSB when lights go out, I can hardly see the sand! Pretty cool to watch with a flashlight.
So many hobbyist here have such awesome tanks it’s a amazing. Mine is pretty basic but I do love it and the reef experience is so enriching.
As for the yard, I landscaped the yard just a few yrs ago with very small “plants”. It is amazing how quickly everything grows in the tropics! There’s only one season, though, tropical, so no down time for plants [or weeds!] Amazingly, I am actually living on a ancient dead reef. If I dig down about a 2 feet in my yard, I’ll hit the cap rock of an old reef land filled over. Makes planting very difficult.
Feeding the suncoral. I have a recipe in the FAQ Thread in the Disease Forum. The suncoral gets what fish and tank gets. Lots of fresh seafood. This guy, as you can see, knows when it is feeding time. He doesn’t wait til the lights go out to start opening up.
Macros. Huh, well, I got so tired of Bob talking about plants that I pulled all mine out! jk I had some large Halimeda in the tank that came in as hitchhiker of LR. I kept it for a long time but it just would grow so fast and so large that on an impulse I ditched it. I kinda regret doing that. Now you can see some spaghetti algae that I got there. It is absolutely great algae to have as a safe haven for baby snails, bristleworms, brittle stars, and Lord only knows what. This piece as tripled since I got it.
NMReef, I’m pretty proud of my merulina and pectina. They are being kept in VHO lighting and as you can see, they are doing pretty well.
Thanks all!