My In Wall Reef


I Got a steal on craigs list. A 55 Drilled with Fuge, Pine Stand, G2 skimmer, Heaters, Pumps, Auto top-off.........For 100.00

So I am swaping over my 46 hex to it and putting it in the wall in my room at the head of my bed

Here are some Pics as I go. First and 2ed is the loot and mt son helping
Next it the wall Pre hole and post hole

O Ya and excuse to buy a Saws-All :)



SWEET ! ! ! I wish I could find deals like that out here
I searched CL for 2 months and finally had to go buy a new tank


That's one sweet deal!
what kind of skimmer is it? I guess it doesn't matter as much considering that amazing deal you got anyway!!!
Is the back of the tank going to be inside a closet? Looks great!


Originally Posted by D-Dzel
That's one sweet deal!
what kind of skimmer is it? I guess it doesn't matter as much considering that amazing deal you got anyway!!!
Is the back of the tank going to be inside a closet? Looks great!
its a G2 ASM skimmer

Ya the tank is in the closet with the face out to the room over my bed like a headboard


Originally Posted by Mech-a-nic
O Ya and excuse to buy a Saws-All :)
LMAO!!! Didn't see that yesterday. Any excuse to buy a new tool is a good one

Your little dude is guna be a "Master Reefer" b4 he's old enough to drive

What do you plan on stocking it with?


Originally Posted by Jas1
LMAO!!! Didn't see that yesterday. Any excuse to buy a new tool is a good one

Your little dude is guna be a "Master Reefer" b4 he's old enough to drive

What do you plan on stocking it with?
I am moving my clown pair and the 2 GBTAs, a Sixline wrase, and a Scopas Tang.
I want to add a Diamond Goby and maby a shrimp Goby with a shrimp.
mostly smaller fish. Cardinals? I think I am about stocked as it is
Its realy an upgrade to my 46 hex. I am trying to figure out lighting......

I thinking of T5s 4x48" Should that be enuff I think MH are out because of space and heat issues. Any Ideas are welcome.
Added Trim

I put the fine sand in and 15 lbs of Live rock from my Fuge on my 120.
How long should it tanke to cycle? 2 ...3 weeks?



Ok the sand is setteled now heres a pic

How bout the bulbs? What are good mix of T5s? I plan to run 4x48" 54 watt. I know little to nothing about them. But they they say there the best next to MH.



ok yall Light ppl. One of my LFS was trying to help me out with lighting in an inclosed tight area and susgested T5s with internal reflectors to save space.
Are they any good or am I better off with reflectors and regular T5s?



Got a set of T5's 48" 54W X 4 of C-List tonight

75.00 for the set.

Bulbs are 8 to 9 months old so bout half life

Ill Post Pics later


Active Member
I would definitely buy new bulbs because they actually only have a good life of about 12 months but that is an amazing deal. I paid 240 for my 2x24 watt light fixture new. Mine is the GLO T-5 HO. I have a bta and several zoos, and LFS with good growth so that may give you an idea of what you can do in yours. Mine is a 29 gallon tank.


LOL...your son is soooo cute...
ANYWAY...I really like it....for some reason I thought it was at the side of the bed..LOL....
How is the noise with this being at the head like that????


Originally Posted by meowzer
LOL...your son is soooo cute...
ANYWAY...I really like it....for some reason I thought it was at the side of the bed..LOL....
How is the noise with this being at the head like that????
I fit it preaty close to exact, so i can't hear anything in the bed.
Now it the closet its a little loud in that inclosed space.