My Kenya Tree


so yeah your specs should be fine iodine, calc, etc...because I have a buddy that has a 38g tall and does a water change about once every two months and has no problems. I mean this doesn't mean your tank is fine. Idk, I was just saying.


This is my Kenya tree, I couldn't really get a pic of the white spot, it is on the backside. My Frogspawn had fallen when I first got it (right before the spot showed) and layed against where the spot has formed. Is it possible this is what caused it? I know Frogspawn has a bite to it.


LOL it looks better since I took the power head off and after looking at it The spot is getting better. Was just worried being new to this hobby...thanks for the help..


I can't kill mine (with out really trying) if they are dropping branches keep a close watch or they will be all over your tank before you know it. I have found that if I let my tree coral get used to to the high flow it dose just fine (getting blasted) but it will take about 1-2 weeks for it to get used to the flow and it will stay "stocker". Oh ya the worse my tank gets the better thy do too so if I keep my water good they grow slower (just an observation not saying you want bad water). How long have you had it for?


hey flower the kenya trees are looking good! and just to clarify i said the kenya trees have different shading to them . the mushrooms i gave you are green striped and the frilly mushroom also has a greenish tint not the kenya trees!!!