Intitially I feed every polyp that came out. But once you get them trained to come out you don't have to feed them each or atleast I don't. I just squirt some food in the tank. They come out in a minute or so, Then I put the food in the water, then, they and my current do the rest. Once a week I turn off the current and squirt a cloud of food around them. I do this to make sure they are getting fed. I probly don't need to do that but It makes me feel better to actually see that they are getting fed. I also add phyto every other day.
As far as them being a pain to have to feed, I directly feed all my corals atleast once a week anyway! The suncoral isn't really a pain it just takes patience to train them to come out. All you have to do is feed them around the same ti8me evErynight for awhile and them they will begin to come out when ever food hits the water. I have also found that the black sun polyps are easier to train then the orange ones. It took me about twice as long to train my orange ones.
Here's a pic of my orange sun polyps eating.