Originally Posted by scgator
Sep, I know you said you have a son, but not his age. I have an 8 and 4 year old boys who want a snake. I'm kind of leary do to all the "snake ate child" press. I know the kings, corns, etc won't get that big, but are there other probs that come with kids + snakes. What is a good starter snake (ie low cost + easy care)?
He is 12. I got Sepulatian, my former snakes name, when he (my son) was maybe 1. Sepulatian was a Burmese Python. He is much missed. He was about a foot when we got him and grew to over 4-5 feet. I never actually stretched him out and measured him. He was eating rats when he died. I am not into getting a snake that gets so big ths time around. I think the lavender king would be great for us. My son held sep all of the time and I was never worried. He struck at my ex one time and that was because he had started to shed at the time that he was due to be fed. His eyes were coated and he could not see. My husband put his hand ito the cage to fill his water bowl. Snakes like to soak, it loosens the skin easier. Sep saw the movement. He struck but did not hit hard, then sniffed his hand with his tounge. He knew who it was and withdrew. A 12 foot Anaconda would not be able to eat your four year old, no worries. Snakes do not get as large in captivity as they do in the wild. If you want a nice snake that does not get big around then go for a corn or king.