My mated clown fish have a lot babies


Active Member
will it survived? what do you feed it.unfortunately i can't take it out and its currently on a 300 gallon mixed sps tank with strong flow and lots of fish(32) 6 tangs hawkfish,cleaner and six line wrasse. pair of flame angel lot of firefish and B/G chromis. 1 evil stripe damsel.any suggestion?


AWWWW....if you don't have a dedicated "nursery" tank....I hate to say it but yeah....they will all be fish food... :(
Mayeb you can get one set up for next time :)


Active Member
If you are serious about wanting to raise them get the book
Clownfishes by Joyce Wilkerson.


mine had eggs one time. By the time I know what was going on the eggs hatched. Now I check every day just in case. I have 3 clowns. Maybe 3's a crowd??
They hatch in like a week so you might have time to set something up. when the eggs turn a sliver color and you can see an eye, that nignt when the lights go out the eggs will hatch. take a bowl and a dim light and shine the llight in the bowl and the larva will swim into the bowl. put the larva into the seperate set up.


Active Member
you generally remove the rock, magfloat (or whatever removable you can get lucky enough for them to lay eggs on) and move them to a dedicated/specialized nursery tank. there you feed them live rotifiers which you have harvested by growing live phytoplankton and you pretty much have a little mini lab going on there otherwise no chance of survival. they are going to keep them coming so its not too late if you really want to learn and attempt it. way too much time and dedication for me to attempt.