my Max just got hit by a car


Active Member
For those that dont know.
My girlfriend and I are animal enthusiasts, not just corals or fish, but all animals. rescuing animals from unfit homes is one of the best things we do. we love it and often we take a sickly or abused malnourished animal and turn it into a healthy well adjusted, happy critter. often finding new strictly surveyed and researched homes for lots of them. always with vet references and follow up visits. also signed contracts stating the animal is subject to seziure by us at our discretion, for any reason we see fit. losing Max is a serious blow. he was a skittish, cat that was nearly untouchable when we got him. he had pulled a complete turn around and we Had no plans on finding him another home.
This is about a cat. he was happy. he loved being out doors and going over to the schoolyard for the kids to pet him. 6 months ago no kid could have gotten within 20 feet of him.


Active Member
Dude, might sound calous but at least your saw it was instant.
Least you didnt come home to a stiff body on side of road and mess yourself up for weeks about how quick it happened. Worst thing in the world but least its done.
Does the wife know yet?


Active Member
reefkprz, very sorry to hear. I had the same thing happen to me. Whether you are a cat lover or not, you don't want to hear these things. Nor should you post insensitive comments. You are doing the right thing with those animals, and I applaud you and your wife. My girlfriend and I will be fostering a kitten here shortly, don't intend on giving it back though, but I'm not telling the girlfriend


Active Member
Originally Posted by Sharkboy13
well thats one less annoying cat rite? but he does look cool, RIP max
that was probably the stupidest thing i have ever heard! what a moron! but its coming from a 12 year old. i have to admit you say some really IDIOTIC stuff but that takes the cake.


Man......i'm sorry to hear......I just went through the same thing with my little girl's cat. She went to Alaska for spring break to see my mom and the day she came back I went to pick her up from the airport and as I was walking outh the door, I let he cat out (he was an indoor/outdoor). Needless to say, when we got back his mouth was all messed up!....Took him to the vets 1st thing next morning and the dr. said looked to him like he was kicked in the face by a person!!
... Well, the estimate was around $1300 to fix and no guarantees that he will be able to move his mouth even to eat.....had to put him condolences from one cat fan to another....

clown boy

Active Member
This is a poem in the remembrance of Max the cat,
He lived in a home with fishy this, and fishy that.
His master every week would bring
Something wet that made him sing!
~Clown Boy


Originally Posted by Clown Boy
This is a poem in the remembrance of Max the cat,
He lived in a home with fishy this, and fishy that.
His master every week would bring
Something wet that made him sing!
~Clown Boy



Active Member
always been an animal lover , im guessing most people on this forum are . im very sorry for your loss. I also lost a dog this way about 9 years ago he used to cross a busy street to get to the mcdonald and one day he got hit( he was a master of escape that guy. it does remind me of a time when i was in first grade, I was walking to school ( most of us did back then) when i found a cat in the middle of the street . He looked fine just laying there so i went over and picked him up and all his guts fell out . scared me for life


Active Member
sorry about your loss. my dog (named max) was also a rescue. he got hit by a car, but the worst part was that he died infront of my gate, like trying to get back to me but ended up collapsing. :[ I don't know why some people are stupid drivers... couple of weeks ago someone ran over our mailbox and didnt say anything... last year someone ran their vehicle through our fence, then our neighbors and didnt say anything. we live out in the middle of nowhere so people get away with stupid sh*t.
again, sorry for your loss.


Sorry for your loss and thank you for rescuing animals that are unable to help themselves, that is just about the most caring act there is.


New Member
Sorry to hear about your cat.
One of the main reasons my cats are not allowed outdoors- too many dangers that can be prevented.


Active Member
Erick, I am so sorry to hear about your loss. I know how difficult it can be to lose such a beloved pet. My prayers are with you and your girlfriend.