my new 10 gal sw tank


I just finished the cycle on my 10 gal (waited 2 months) my equipment so far is
1. 10 gal tank.
2. AC 70 filter filled to the rim with crushed live rock and carbon media pack planing on adding an additional AC 20 (extra from my fresh water tank) and fill it with crushed live rock.
3. current orbit dual 2 x 40w, 80w total pc lighting.
4. 15 lbs of lr with extra 5 lbs in filter
1. true perc
2. camel shrimp
3. emerald crab
4. serpent sea star
1. red gorgonia frag
2. yellow gorgonia frag
3. star polyp frag
4. red mushrooms
5. button polyps frag
Ill take some pics tomorrow


he hasn't tried yet but he feeds off my fingers everyday so I try to keep him pretty well fed, also if he does start to bug my corals its no biggie I plan on getting rid of him anyhow and picking up a fire shrimp. Luckily I work at the LFS so i can just bring em back to the store