my new 130 gallon tank is being order need suggestions on what fish to buy?


I just order a 130 gallon tank. I was wondering what kind of fish would go with this tank. I have the money to get the fish I want but need some good combinations of fish. It can be any where from angles to tangs etc. Have any ideas anybody. Would be a great help.


Be careful to do this right...thats a big tank and you can really make it awesome! Read all about filtration, methods, deep sand beds, skimmers, sumps, refugiums, etc. and decide which way to want to go. It is SO important to think this out in advance, since it will save you time, money, and frustation. Do you want a fish only tank? Reef tank? Everyone here can help you make informed, sound decisions, so take us with you every step of the way. Good luck!


Active Member
I would go with an aggressive setup. Make a post in that forum. I would go with a volitan lionfish, a panther grouper, and an eel. Maybe more, but I think that this should create sufficient amount of diversity. HTH


I would like to have a school of tangs in my tank. Is this possible. Is it also possible to have angles like asfur, and blue face angle. Are butterfly fish really hard to keep too.


Active Member
no school of tangs in a tank taht size, also yes butterflies are difficult to keep, and all the fish you seek are larger fish, so you definitely should take some time in thining out your stocking decisions, you will be very limited, if you go with all large fish, and do not mix angels
IMO, i would do as mentioned figure out what type of tank you want to keep and start there, then look for a diversity of color and sizes based upon that, these things planned out will help you out alot
think through our set up before you even worry about fish, and then when it comes time, start by stocking slowly, do not go out and get several fish at once , take months to do the stocking, and after you figure out whta it is you are gonna keep stick witht that plan and stock based on those fish, some should be added last, others should not be added till the tank is mature
after you figure out what type you want, and one or 2 fish then we can maybe offer some more sound decisions to go with them better ;)


I dont see why there couldnt be a school of Tangs in the tank! Dude you could put 3 yellows, a Purple, Sailfin, Blue Tang what ever you want to! just add them slow.. You could even add a trigger or two in with them for some diversity. Some angels are hard to keep other are not.. Coral Beautys, Bicolors, SixBarred, Emporer angels are all good choices for a tank that size. We have carried them in our store in Angola, IN and they always seem to do great.

sinner's girl

"I dont see why there couldnt be a school of Tangs in the tank! Dude you could put 3 yellows, a Purple, Sailfin, Blue Tang what ever you want to!"
Some tangs can't be mixed, a school is of the some kind of fish, like all yellows, or blues.
If fshhub says no, then i wouldn't try it.
but yeah pick one or two can't live without fish, then go from there, people can help with what fish would get along.
me? i'd have a yellow tang, pair of clowns, a wrasse and clean up crew. maybe one other fish


Active Member
IMO, i would not put a school of tangs in a tank that is 130 gallons, i would only put one in a tnk, if it were at least 75 gallons and maybe 100(depending ont he tang) in a 150 or around that, i would maybe go with 2, but NOT A SCHOOL
but now, a salesman on the other hand, may just go ahead and advise you to do so
now, i am gonna add to the fact of size, tangs are generally a larger fish, and if you figure their adult size(varies by species) 3 or 4 of them could be pretty close to your full stocking limits
let me rephrase on the angels, they are not extremely hard to keep, but DO require a mature and stable tank, i would not add one to a tank less than 5 or 6 months old because of this(which ahs been stable for 5 or 6 months), their are somewhat hearty, but not a beginner fish for a new immature aquarium, and MOST any fish seems to do fine in afish store, and this is partly b/c they do not stay there long, as responsible hobbyists, we adopt these fish and intend to have them for years, not days or weeks, and many lfs's have the notion that any fish that lives several weeks is fine, NOT TRUE, we in sw aquaria like to see years
HTH to clear some of the fog ;)
PS, could you please do us a favor and restructure your sig to more of a horizontal nature, it is kinda long to scroll through(i am courtiously asking aas a fellow member) ;) <img src="graemlins//angel.gif" border="0" alt="[angel]" />


I would be more concerned with what equipment to get and what you have and is it good enough. Like filtration and lighting. Next would be to set it up and wait for the cycle to end. You are looking to stock your tank about 6 - 10 weeks too early. Be patient one step at a time. Yes it is good to have a plan but there is plenty of time for that.


Don't make the same mistake I made when you're buying the equipment for the tank (filter, powerhead, protein skimmer, etc.). I got everything as cheap as I could and the take got no where the fish all died within a month. Get good quality equipment for your tank.


Whoever says that he could not put a mixture of tangs in a 130 gal. is crazy! If you have good enough water movement filtration etc. I would seriously go with any one of the ones i mentioned. Ive seen tanks that have all of those tangs in it! they do great! So dont be stupid and say "if fishhb thinks you shouldnt do it dont do it" that is crazy! Fish take a couple years to get full size, and most tanks like the yellows and purple tangs dont get that big at all! Mixing a variety of tangs and angels would be a good plan!


Active Member
spoken like a true sales man :D
tanks for the info
and as i mentioned, unlike stores and sales, we strive for the life of the fish, and e long run here, and intend to adopt our fish, not borrow them, we would prefer to keeep them happy and healthy for life, not a few months


Active Member
I normally don't reply to questions regarding fish selection. Way to personal a choice in my opinion, and you'll get tons of answers - some which may be helpful, some not ...
Sort of like saying I just got a new refrigerator so what kind of food should I keep in it ...
It all depends on you and your set-up/plans.
But I will say this ...
Look down the road a year or two and ask yourself " what do I want this 130 gallon tank go be "
Aggressive ?
Reef ?
Peaceful community ?
Inverts or no Inverts ?
Study compatibility charts,
Research species,
Put together a list of what and how many fish you would like to have,
Check compatibilites again for known problems
Ask here - after you have your list together, with specific species and numbers.
Provide efficient filtration then ...
Stock slowly, waiting a month or so in between new fish additions.


I fear I am seeing the common "I want all the neat fish in my tank" starting here. All of the fish you mentioned are some of the most colorful and therefore the most desireable. However, it seems to go in this hobby that the more colorful the fish the tougher it is to keep. Tangs are not terribly tough but they need vegitation and they need good water quality. Butterflyfish can be shy and can be very difficult to get to feed. If they get harrassed it could be deadly.
Please go slow and educate yourself. You've spent the time and money on the tank now go and spend the time learning about the fish you wan to keep and what they need to live. Tossing hundreds of dollars out the toilet or flushing them down the toilet is still a sad waste of money and resources.
These are just my thoughts and I wish you the best of luck in whatever you choose.

sinner's girl

???? I thought not all tangs got along together? i thought if they had different body type (yellow and regal) they may but for example and yellow and purple would not. am i wrong?
not trying to argue, just want to know.


Why do you keep calling me a salesman fishub, quit being dumb, you know as well as anyone else here that all the fish i mentioned can be put together in the same tank, 130 gal is alot of room, they could all fit fine AND be healthy, im not trying to sell a damn thing, im just telling the truth, apparently you dont know as much as you think.


Tangs dont like to be put with other fish that look the same as them yes, AND yes if you put two yellow tangs together they will fight, but not 1 or 3! Purple tangs and Yellow tangs can be mixed in larger aquariums, ive heard and seen people do it right here on this message board.