My new 150 gallon tank JUST A FEW QUESTIONS

Stupid in laws. NO Deal. I cant seem to find a cheap 40g tank anywhere. The lfs has some that are more tall then wide and they are $150 for just the tank OUch. I need one that's 36" wide so if anybody close is getting ride of one or could spare one for cheapish please let me know. Here is a layout of my plumbing. Which i will begin as soon as i get the tank to the lfs to be drilled. Next weekend i hope.

florida joe

Well-Known Member
I am not a big fan of one tank sumps and refugiums. I like to isolate one from the other if necessary. That being said looking at your system I would put your return feed in the center of your two influent pips to get as even a distribution as possible. Also your protein skimmer has to be positioned so the return water goes into the area of your return pump so you are not reskimming the same water

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Ok hang with me on this. BUT if you tied both your gravity feeds together and then into your sump/refug as a first step then put a tee and a valve in front and after the T and off that T you feed into your return area as the next step. You should be able to isolate the refug from the return portion of your setup by sliding in a glass divider between the return and refug this allows you to work on the refuge while still maintaining flow in your DT This may seem complicated but it really is not. I missed one more valve you will need but tell me if you can visualize this so far
Originally Posted by florida joe
Ok hang with me on this. BUT if you tied both your gravity feeds together and then into your sump/refug as a first step then put a tee and a valve in front and after the T and off that T you feed into your return area as the next step. You should be able to isolate the refug from the return portion of your setup by sliding in a glass divider between the return and refug this allows you to work on the refuge while still maintaining flow in your DT This may seem complicated but it really is not. I missed one more valve you will need but tell me if you can visualize this so far
With you so far..


Originally Posted by deejeff442
i think it is an eighteen gallon.
i used the 1 inch bulkheads off some old overflows i had laying around.
the sump is my old wet/dry i gutted out.
my new fuge/sump is a 120 gallon 6 foot long next to my 225 6 foot long.
i need to get some pics of that set up.
Deejeff help me out here. Your sump looks great but there isn't much room for additional H2O in case of a power outage. What did you do to prevent this?