my new 180 long build


well here she is, the big 8 footer...
dual corner overflows, and REALLY heavy, this will be a nice build for me, I just can't stop, I LOVE this hobbie.



not real sure
If I had to guess I would say it was a o'dell if the were still making tanks, no tag on the bottom lip so I really don't know.


anyone have a good idea on how I can run the returns from the sump, there is no holes drilled for the returns, only the drains
.. I was thinking on building a manifold out of 1 inch pvc up to the top of the tank then split it across the length of the tank with 6 outlets ?? not real concerned with having strong pressure out of these returns just a nice gentle flow, I'll also have 3 seio 2600 for main flow throughout the main tank, any ideas would help
Thanks Greg


ok my returns are going to be 3/4 split 6 ways across the top, and I'm going to plumb the drains that are 1 inch each into a 1.5 or 2 inch main so both drains will go to the sump through 1 line. sound right??? any help you may have will be great. for the return pump I'm thinking a mag 12, if I can recall correctly 1 inch pvc flows aprox. 600 gph ??? so that should make my drains 1200 gph and the mag 12 will lose some though head pressure and should not over pump or under pump.. I will only have 4.5 feet of head pressure then with it exiting 6 , 3/4 inch holes I should have nice gentle flow.


Originally Posted by tropills
This is what I'm thinking. what do you think

ok re-vamped the fuge/sump, moved the baffles and removed one, kinda like the one on my 55 on my 125, works good so why chage it right.


The mag12 will get you around 1100 gph assuming 4 foot rise, but you have a lot of elbows in the picture so that will reduce the gph also. You really need Squidd to look at this in the equipment/DIY thread, he knows all about this kind of stuff.
Assuming a reef tank, you will probably want more power heads in the tank to get more water movement.


Originally Posted by dcrawford
The mag12 will get you around 1100 gph assuming 4 foot rise, but you have a lot of elbows in the picture so that will reduce the gph also. You really need Squidd to look at this in the equipment/DIY thread, he knows all about this kind of stuff.
Assuming a reef tank, you will probably want more power heads in the tank to get more water movement.
as for the extra power heads I'm going to have 3 seio 2600 that are in my 125 now, the elbows in the manifold are going to be 45's not 90's so the restriction will not be that high. thanks for the insite though


Originally Posted by dcrawford
Not sure. I'm always finding myself re-reading his threads on sumps.
Yes they are great info , I'm always digging through the archives to find stuff.


Active Member
thats guna be a fun build! i remember building mine lol .... my only suggestion in the sump is have the skimmer in a nother compartment before the return i think the return will return back some un cleaned water the way its setup... if have overflow into sump first chamber containing the skimmer then into the second compartment containing the macro algaes then into the last compartment where the return is located... just my thoughts


now that you say something I see what you mean , makes sense to skim as much as I can before pumping it back to the DT, maybe sign guy will chime in also he's pretty darn good at these things. thanks murph


Active Member
im assuming your working with a premade sump thats why you are sticking with the compartments like that??
im not sure if plumming the skimmer like that is guna work too good... an in sump skimmer really needs the pump right next to the skimmer body direct feed for it to work properly cuz they have a venturi hose usually that sucks air in right there and if u start adding plumming like that your guna lose pump power and the bubbles wont be as they should going through all that plumming you have for it.... your guna have to scratch that replum idea IMO...
i think you should put the skimmer in the first chamber some macro algaes stuffed in between the second chamber if its wide enough like 12" if its narrow then save that space to run carbon bags in between and thats it... id leave the last compartment for your return pump at the far left end and id seperate the last compartment in half with some egg crate so you can have your marco algae (caulerpa or Cheato) on the righ side of the last compartment and the return pump on the left side... egg crate works great i use it in my sump as im describing to you and it holds back the cheato and lets it get good flow and it grows nicely with a home depot circular reflector and a power saving flourescent bulb simulated for 150W at 6500K
if i were u id leave the sand in the tank it gets too messy and troublesome ... unless you wanna set up a seperate refugium that is totally seperate from the main sump... i did this for a friend of mine his sump only has his skimmer and return... one overflow feeds that sump the other goes to a seperate refugium with live sand and macros that then flows threw the macros and back over another seperator gravity fed back to the sump below it so you have one overflow mechanically filtered and the other filtered by algae it works pretty darn well lol if i say so myself im not good at the drawing pictures or id draw it for you


murph, thanks again, no it's not a pre made sump, it's how I have my DIY 55 sump/fuge now and it works pretty good, also have a DIY skimmer that it fed like the last diagram, also works very well, the only reason I'm tossing around a new sump build is because the 4 foot 55 gallon won't fit through the doors on the new 180 cabinet, and I refuse to re-lift this tank off the stand to get it in, so I'm going to use a 3 foot long tank as the new sump/fuge, as it will slide right in... I'll do some searching for some of sign guys sumps he has on here, and then probably go with one of his designs, But hey thanks for all the great insite every little bit of help in this build will make it much better in the long run, mainly because the wife says you wanted a 8 foot tank one day now you have it so that's it, no more, do it the way you need to because this is it..
little does she know I really want a 10 footer someday.

Thanks Greg

sign guy

Active Member
dont feel like rereading all your post so let me ask a few things please
what type of tank is this?
assume the tanks dimmitions are 18x24x96?
what size is your sump
what type of skimmer?
what type of return pump do you have? thanks


Originally Posted by sign guy
dont feel like rereading all your post so let me ask a few things please
what type of tank is this?
assume the tanks dimmitions are 18x24x96?
what size is your sump
what type of skimmer?
what type of return pump do you have? thanks
older O'dell RR
30 gallon
thinking about a ASM
mag 18