My new 180 set-up


Here are a couple of pics of my 180gal. set up. It's about a month old now. I used the live rock and live sand from my 90gal and 35 gal set ups. There's about 200lbs of LR and a 2 to 3 inch LS bed in there depending on the area of the tank. I cut a hole out of the wall in my basement so that it sits in the crawl space and flushes up to the wall for viewing. I still have to finish the wall with some sort of panneling or rock or something. Any suggestions. I want this to be the eye catcher of the basement. I took these pics last week.
Stocking list: 2 False Percs, Cleaner Wrasse, 3 Pajama Cardinals, Flame Angel, Powder Brown Tang, Sailfin Tang, Yellow Tang, assorted shrooms through out the tank, about 50 snails, about the same amount of hermit crabs (assorted), and a Serpent Starfish. I have a 30 gallon sump sitting in th e back. I'm so excited about this set up, it's what I've been wanting since I got into SWF 3yrs ago. So what do ya think...



Great looking tank! How is the spray bar working out for you? What kind of lights do you have over the tank? Do you have plans to add more fish?


Thanks you guys!!

The spray bar is working out alright I guess... I'm thinking I may need a bigger pump for it though... The one I'm using from the sump to supply it pushes about 900 gph. I guess I thought there would be more flow comming from the spray bar, and if I get a bigger pump I suppose there will be. I just thought 900 would be enough.

My lights are mostly just floresent. A 4 foot double w/ daylight tone, 4 regular floresents from smaller tanks I've had, and one 65w attinic. Then 4 lunar lights @ night. Some day, when I can convince my wife to let me spend more money on the tank, I would like a really nice MH set up!

I am planning to add more residents to the tank this week as a matter of fact. 2 Firefish Gobys, a Black cap Basslet, A Lawnmower Blenney, a Lavender Tang, and an Orange Linka Star. I think this will complete my stocking list for a while.


Thought I would post an update and pics of my tank. I finally got the wall covered. I went with tounge and grove knotty pine. I still have some trim work and hinges to put up, but for the most part it's done!

I did end up adding a Lavender Tang, 2 Firefish Gobys, and I have a Blue Hippo Tang in quarentine right now. He is eating good and looks good so far. He is doomed to one more week inb quarentine, then he gets to go to the DT.

I also threw in a pic of my FWT as well. The pics aren't the greatest quality, but I gotta work with what I got...

So what do you's think so far...



Active Member
Very nice.
I love the toungue and groove knotty pine. I have that stuff all over my office, in my camper and all over the luandry room.


Thanks you guys for the nice comments!
Me and my wife love the knotty pine look as well Doc. We had it all over our previous house The dinning room was my favorite room in that house, the knotty pine ceiling really made that room!

No Crypt, I haven't upgraded the pump yet, I did add one more power head. This did help my circulation in the tank. So far I'm having a hard time finding a bigger pump for a decent price. I'm still looking and by gosh I'll find one!!

When I started setting up that FWT I knew that I wanted it to mainly be a Discus tank. I love those fish too Slade! I'm in the process of finding him some tank mates. For some reason they're not really available around me right now. I plan on at least another 2 to 3 more buddies for him!

Thanks again you guys for the nice comments! It's always fun to share our tanks with others who like fish as much as we do!


OMG I can not believe I never saw this thread...Your TANKS are amazing....On the top right what kind of mushroom is that?
LOL...your cardinals actually come out too....


A couple of left and right half tanks, then a full tank shot. The tank is about 5 months old now as a system. So what do ya's think...



WELLLLL...since I always manage to jump the post before the person is done with their pics....IT'S GREAAATTT...I LOVE IT...Did you buy some of the shrooms that big??


Originally Posted by meowzer
OMG I can not believe I never saw this thread...Your TANKS are amazing....On the top right what kind of mushroom is that?
LOL...your cardinals actually come out too....
Thank you Meowzer!
Ithink it's called a fuzzy Mushroom, at least that's what the guy at the LFS told me. When i got them, about two years ago I put them in the 90 gal I had. they were all on the same rock. They have really grown since then. Sometimes I feed them pellets and they'll close up to eat. It's pretty neat.
LOL, yea, the cardinals hang around in the open all day... Waiting for some food!
They're all abunch of pigs!


LOL...Mine sit up in the corner all day....the killer 3 spot damsels chase them around....I have noticed gthat one of the cardinals has half a tail....survival of the fittest I guess....when the lights come out so do they...
I have a green rhodactis, and it seems to be growing pretty fast too...


Originally Posted by meowzer
WELLLLL...since I always manage to jump the post before the person is done with their pics....IT'S GREAAATTT...I LOVE IT...Did you buy some of the shrooms that big??
hehehee, I always do the same thing.
Thanks again! I haven't bought any shrooms in a while now. What is in there came from my other two set ups that I had. They've all grown quit a bit, and they seem to spread like wild fire!