My New 24 JBJ Nano Cube


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ok here are the pictures of them puffy looking :)
hope you all like. their a goldish and purple color :) excellent looking i think

with flash


Active Member
Thannks Nissan577 and rebelprettyboy for the comments. I appreciate it alot !
Just thru in some more rubble rock in the tanks. Do any of you think its bad to just throw it in the main part of the tank isntead of the back ? LOL. Well nOTHING NEW TODAY. gLUED some frags on some rocks. probably try to trade em in locally or sell em. Dont know which yet. Well only 2 comments for the new pics. Not that great but thank you guys :)


Ya gotta give us some time to comment man, some of us have to work for a living! Lol
Looks awsome! And I dont see a problem with rubble, if you like it who cares. I think it looks more natural to have some little bits here and there. Bolt em if they cant take a joke!


Active Member
Some type of sps Montipora Digitata that my LFS gave me for free, didnt even acclimate it and polyps were already open as soon as it touched the water :) Pretty neat frag. Didnt know sps was so cool like this. HEHE
sorry for bad quality

FTS wow i love my tank :)


Active Member
I feel like I keep saying the same things, but your tanks are just so nice looking! Do you dose anything? What water do you use? You knew I was gonna ask questions, thats what I always do on your threads


Active Member
Man that new acan surely looks nice in that tanK! Geez it looks good in that spot. That acan garden is look awesome!
I got me a sick favia today! It was quite pricey, but if I had of bought it online it woulda been way more for just about 4-5 heads


Active Member
Well here are some more pics. I got some cool ones of my Yashia Goby and the Randals pistol shrimp when i cut off the powerheads to feed last night :) Hope you all like em.

Blue zoa with a small polyp coming out :) YIPPEEEE

Acan lords last night with lights off. Pic taken with flash :) Just wanted to show em how they lookk at night


Active Member
I Had fed em an hour before that pic was taken. They are always hungry :( cant crash my system because they want to always eat


Active Member
Thanks for the comments Rebelprettyboy and subielover and ballet ninja, I think im off to get another acan tomorrow maybe.LOL. Maybe tuesday. Depends. i guess


Active Member
I dunno rebelprettyboy, Maybe transluscent or clear ? LOL. I always wanted some rims that were clear like glass. that would be awesome. HAHAHA. well im gone for tha night. pz and have fun. But anyways the only other colors they had left were like some type of purple and then one that is like whitish on outside and green or red in the center.


Active Member
I doubt it today. Those things arent cheap ya know. And now the place has went up on their prices :( Says some are 84.99 and others 64.99. I dont like it when places start changing prices on things when other times its always been the same. Oh and i got a question. Can these bi color bleenies bother zoanthids or palys ? Like have of my rpe's arent opening and then i have some other zoas that arent opening and i notice my blenny lays on them and swims between them and rests. Tha rpe's are really starting to look like they are gonna die because they havent been open really in like 5 days and they starting to look wrinkley.