My new 24g Aquapod!

Well bought a new aquapod 24g. Figured it was better because I already the perfect lights for it and I easily have enough money to make a tank this size the nano I've always dreamed of. I have 150w Sunpod HQI Metal Hallide I'll be putting on it. I have rocks and sand and probably will be putting just rocks in the sump of it and I'll try and get some cheato sometime soon.
I want to make this a frag tank, because I'm interested in aquaculturing for possibly a career. I wanted a 150g ray tank, but I'd be broke, and then I got the interest in aquaculture and figure this would be best and most affordable.
Got maybe 25-30lbs of rubble rock and probably 20lbs of sand. I want to have a frag rack (I already got eggcrate laying around). Plan for stocklist to be:
-Pair of B&W Occ. Clowns(hopefuly if I'm lucky they'll bred)
-Either a Bangii Cardinal or Yellowhead Jawfish, or CB Angel, or Royal Gramma
-Small clown gobies
-5 or more Peppermint Shrimp(want to see if they'll breed)
-Snail and hermits
-all sorts of corals, some regular corals I want to grow out and later frag, some frags, some corals I want to frag, etc. (mainly softies, SPS, and maybe a little LPS)
Anyways right now I'm trying to figure how to remove the hood on the tank, and later this weekend (Sunday probably) I'll be moving the tank to it's permanent spot and add the water, rock, and sand.
I'm pretty excited and hopefuly this will be my lucky tank!
Well I made a nice little rock wall in the back which I'm very happy with, tank is only 4/10 full and I'll need probably 17g of saltwater which I'll get tomorrow from the lfs. Then I'll work on getting the parameters perfect and slowly add stuff.
Here's the pics:

Ok tank is totaly running, water full, lights on, pumps running. Not to impressed with the pump used to create flow for the sump, so I'll probably get a higher GPH later. Also want to get some cheato and some refegieum mud for the sump.
I'll get pics of it and post them tomorrow once the tank is completely settled.
Today I built a frag rack, dissassembled and did some stuff with my 125g I'm selling, I'm moving all the rubble rock from the 125g to the 24g, found a fighting conch and aa hitchiker crab I"m going to add to the 24g, add some mysis shrimp frozen cube to the 24g to start cycling it, and I'll take/post pics of everything later.
Umm well there's definetly not enough room for the frag rack, and I had to take all the rock out and re-arrange it to make everything fit. I'll take pics once I"m done with yard work and the tank clears.
Originally Posted by Joshr
This is kind of a noob question but why is it so cloudy?
It's cloudy because I added water which creates a small current i guess which stirs up the sand or because I also added the sand less than an hour before I took those pics.
Ok the cups contain an unidentified crab and a conch.
I'm going to move the middle/front to rocks to the back right/middle to balance everything out.
I saw a brisstle worm that was at least 1" maybe 1.25".
The stocklist for fish is either going to be:
1)Pair of B&W Occ. Clownfish
2)Pair of Bangaii Cardinal
3)Get a Sixline before the cardinals and maybe he'll take care of my unwanted pests and then sell it and get the cardinals
1)Pair of B&W Occ Clowns
2)Sixline Wrasse
3)Some other nano fish
both would also have clown gobies.
Going to get cheato soon and a higher gph pump (360gph probably since this whimpy one is 160)


Active Member
Looks really good. How much rock? Looks like a ton lol and Nice DSB never seen those in nanos really!! Cant wait to see it full
Originally Posted by rebelprettyboy
Looks really good. How much rock? Looks like a ton lol and Nice DSB never seen those in nanos really!! Cant wait to see it full
Thanks. It's almost too full. I don't think I have over 30lbs, but maybe I do. Most of the rocks are just space consuming. When the second batch of rocks over it didn't feel heavy at all.
BTW-What's a DSB?
I think I have too much rock guys. Great caves and such for fish, but I liked it just as a rockwall in the back now. Now it seems crowded. I don't know, opinons?
