My new 24g Aquapod!

Originally Posted by paintballer768
Any luck selling the 125?
Not really, it stinks when it's not sitting at your house and you can sell it any day of any week. Having some problems finding a date. That's just the aquarium. The skimmer is still pending sort of. Nothing new for my 24g until those sell.
I don't think I'll be getting anything for a while, I'm spending all my spending money from this summer on a Dell Inspiron laptop soon. Got to save the rest for the upcoming truck this winter. I still got 40$ store credit and I may go down and pic up two occ. clowns.
The xenia is pulsing again after it feel to the sand bed. Everything is doing good and I just set up a 10g for a freshwater tank (a pair of german blue rams). As soon as my 125g sells I'll be able to do a lot more with the 24g and be able to set the 10g up fully.


Active Member
Once you sell the 125, buy some corals damnit! Make sure you update about the rams because I wouldnt mind setting up a small freshwater system (since its not as costly as saltwater, and you could have more fish than saltwater in the tank.) Pictures too!
P.S. - I want to get a cT tag soon.
Originally Posted by paintballer768
Once you sell the 125, buy some corals damnit! Make sure you update about the rams because I wouldnt mind setting up a small freshwater system (since its not as costly as saltwater, and you could have more fish than saltwater in the tank.) Pictures too!
P.S. - I want to get a cT tag soon.
I'm thinking a CC and fish are main priority since I got only corals and a shrimp, but once the 125g sells I'll have plenty of money to spread around.
I will definetly make some kind of diary with the rams once I get it running.
Very nice, that'll garuntee you a starting position.
Well all corals and shrimp are doing good. I'm setting up my 10g and am going to borrow money from my savings to get a filter, gravel, and 2 fish later on for the 10g. Here's some pics of my zoa's, xenia, 10g, and FTS of my 24g.
