My new 24g Aquapod!


Active Member
I liked the rock before you changed it. Gave the impression of a small private piece of reef with a nice opening at the bottom. But still nice all the same. Wish you had left it though.
Originally Posted by cichlidKid
looks like its time for a top of, other than that looking good

Doing that and tests today and I'm trying to go to a lfs and get some sw for a water change this weekend and get some DT Phytoplankton.
Originally Posted by Flricordia

I liked the rock before you changed it. Gave the impression of a small private piece of reef with a nice opening at the bottom. But still nice all the same. Wish you had left it though.

I did too, too bad I had to get the fish out. I don't want to re-arrange it now and stress anything out more than it has too.
Tested sg yesterday and was at 1.030 so I did a 2.5g top off with RO/DI. My bangaii isn't really eating anything I try giving him (pellet he'll nip out, frozen food he ignores) but he seems to be hunting stuff from the rocks because he'll stare at the rocks then randomly nip at stuff. I'm going to get some DT Phyto tomorrow, Mysis Frozen Food, and 5g of saltwater to do a water change with.
I tested water today and everything was perfect, did a little re-aquascaping and the ugly rock in the middle is gone, and went to the lfs and got 5g saltwater (will use when I need it, want to leave my tank as it is because the water quality is perfect) DT phyto and Frozen Mysis Shrimp (which I found out is the only food my bangaii will accept that isn't alive and crawling around the live rocks).
Will take pics and post them in a bit. Also found out my xenia is a pulsing xenia and has got to be the coolest coral I've ever seen.
It's better than's a.................VIDEO!!!!!

Took a video of my tank, doesn't show the zoas as well but it shows the true beauty of the xenia and it shows what my cardinals does all day. Now if only my terrier would act more like my bangaii.

Well my bangaii is missing. Haven't found a body dead or alive. Shrimp is still doing good but my water quality must be shaky because my xenia retracted its arm things. Zoas and mushrooms still doing good. Don't know if I'll get anything new for a while because job situation is shaky and my dad is making save 1500$ because if I don't then I don't get my truck when I turn 16 this winter till next summer. I guess I'm going to try and sell my 125g again which sucks because I was looking forward to setting that back up.
well wensday my sg was at 1.030 because of evaporation then I did a top off with RO/DI water and got it down to 1.0245. Today or tomorrow I'll test for nitrates, ammonia, ph, and calcium to see if I need to do a water change.


Active Member
Everytime you go to your moms, just bring like 15 gallons of new water to change out. Theres a good solution no matter what lol.
Originally Posted by paintballer768
Everytime you go to your moms, just bring like 15 gallons of new water to change out. Theres a good solution no matter what lol.
I know. I'm just trying the stocklights out. I think my xenia actually prefers the stock lights because the day before I removed the MH's it's heads we're pulled in and when I turned on the PC's they came back out.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Sooner_Reefer
I put my MH's back on and like them a lot better now that I have a sense of what the PC's look like.
Hmm well this could be why the xenia are freaking up lately, what we talked about. Light acclimation is freakin the little guys out. Give em a little and see.
Originally Posted by paintballer768
Hmm well this could be why the xenia are freaking up lately, what we talked about. Light acclimation is freakin the little guys out. Give em a little and see.
THey were freaking out a little before I switched lights. We will see. Will do water tests tomorrow, been a long busy day/night.


Active Member
Yep, Im going to start fragging too, so if the xenia dies, I can hook you up. Ive got a 4in L x 2in W x 2in T rock of GSP that needs a new home. I picked it up last night and its starting to encrust sand


Originally Posted by Sooner_Reefer
THey were freaking out a little before I switched lights. We will see. Will do water tests tomorrow, been a long busy day/night.
Xenia is not none too do well in everyone's tank, it's nothing too sweat about; in fact it may be a good thing!
Ok just an update everything is still doing good. I have been really busy and tired the past week mowing lawns in 90 degree heat with a good humidity, and have neglected my tank a little. I think I last did a water test Monday but will do one tonight. The shrimp and corals are doing fine, my shrimp has learned to scavage for food and I always see him at night seeing what's inside rocks or if there's food the powerhead has stuck on it's intake. My xenia is extended but not pulsing. I'm going to do either another top off or a waterchange depending on what the readings are tonight.
Next week will be busy for me too but I think my corals and shrimp will be fine without me, and hopefuly the week after I'll be getting some inverts/fish if some of my 125g equipement gets sold within the week. Thinking of getting some Tongan Nass. Snails, 1 Turbo, some blue leg dwarf hermits, 2 aquacultured false perculas, 1 feather duster, and 1 jawfish. Should spice up the tank and should be less worry than corals. Getting some inverts because I can't really battle the little algae in the tank with a mag float lol. Also within a month I want to get rid of my 2 junky low flow powerheads and get 1 medium flow powerhead.