Ok just an update everything is still doing good. I have been really busy and tired the past week mowing lawns in 90 degree heat with a good humidity, and have neglected my tank a little. I think I last did a water test Monday but will do one tonight. The shrimp and corals are doing fine, my shrimp has learned to scavage for food and I always see him at night seeing what's inside rocks or if there's food the powerhead has stuck on it's intake. My xenia is extended but not pulsing. I'm going to do either another top off or a waterchange depending on what the readings are tonight.
Next week will be busy for me too but I think my corals and shrimp will be fine without me, and hopefuly the week after I'll be getting some inverts/fish if some of my 125g equipement gets sold within the week. Thinking of getting some Tongan Nass. Snails, 1 Turbo, some blue leg dwarf hermits, 2 aquacultured false perculas, 1 feather duster, and 1 jawfish. Should spice up the tank and should be less worry than corals. Getting some inverts because I can't really battle the little algae in the tank with a mag float lol. Also within a month I want to get rid of my 2 junky low flow powerheads and get 1 medium flow powerhead.