My new 24g Aquapod!


Active Member
Also, you might want to think about taking the rocks off of the side glass there. My tank has had some green algae buildup there thats a pain to get off, just a consideration, would look good still. I would take it off if I could go back hah, now it would require a scraper.
Originally Posted by ChronicCoral35
Nice, any plans for a stocklist?
For sure a pair of black and white occ. clownfish, not sure maybe one or two bangaii cardinalfish also, we'll see.
Originally Posted by paintballer768
Nice aquascape Mike. I can imagine a really bright colored plate coral or brain right front and center on that sandbed.
Yeah an open green would be sweet, for sand bed I'm thinking a lot of clams though. I loved that one I had.
Originally Posted by paintballer768

Also, you might want to think about taking the rocks off of the side glass there. My tank has had some green algae buildup there thats a pain to get off, just a consideration, would look good still. I would take it off if I could go back hah, now it would require a scraper.
I know. When my tank was FULL of rock I had to deal with that, but the rock doesn't take up to much wall space and I can live with a little algae in the very back.
Tested my salinity today (was testing it wrong before so that explains a lot for me) and it came out over 1.030 SG. I did a 25% water change with saltwater that was at 1.020 SG and it lowered it to 1.030 exactly. So this weekend I'm going to make some RO/DI water and do 3g water change or top off.
Calcium-around 320ppm
Phosphates-Less than .025ppm
Going to do a 20% RO/DI water change/top off to lower salinity and maybe lower nitrates. Then going to add a tiny tiny bit of caclium buffer and a tiny bit of ph buffer (for dkH). Hopefuly by next weekend things will be ready to add stuff.


Hi SoonerReefer,
Great to see another Okie Aquapodder, Your tank looks good.
The rock looks cool, I had a little over 30 lbs in mine but had to keep paring back because the glass was hard to keep clean with some much in it. make sure that what ever your using to clean it with reaches all the surfaces easily.
I upgraded the stock pump with a Maxi-jet 1200, it fits without any mods.
best of luck,
Originally Posted by tne1cancme
Hi SoonerReefer,
Great to see another Okie Aquapodder, Your tank looks good.
The rock looks cool, I had a little over 30 lbs in mine but had to keep paring back because the glass was hard to keep clean with some much in it. make sure that what ever your using to clean it with reaches all the surfaces easily.
I upgraded the stock pump with a Maxi-jet 1200, it fits without any mods.
best of luck,
Thanks, I'll have to look into that Maxi-jet, I keep on hearing good things about it but I'm scared it won't fit. Good to hear from another okie.
Traded in rock at the lfs today, got 200$ and spent 5$ of that store credit on a bag of cheato which is now in the sump of the aquapod. The remaining 195$ will go to purchasing some corals to start off with, in the next week or two. I may call stores again and see if any have any interest in some used equipement. Unfortunatly trying to sell stuff through reef clubs isn't going as good as I hoped for.
Stocklist will be:
-Pair of B&W Occ. Clownfish
-Pair of Bangaii Cardinalfish
Hopefuly one of two will bred.
Well still got to add refegieum mud to the sump, but I'm kinda thinking of trying out some small mangroves and see if I have any success with that. It can't hurt to have one more thing eating the nitrates away, and I think having some plants growing out of your aquarium in the background would be pretty sweet.
Brought over 5g of RO/DI water and 5g of saltwater that is at 1.020 SG. I'm going to do a water change with RO/DI water first then save the other water for a couple days and do a change then.
I also brought over a powerhead and a fluorescent light for the sump/fuge. I'll take pics tomorrow.


Sooner_Reefer, it sounds like there is a pretty good LFS you frequent. Could you give me some info on the place you go to. I am about 2 hours north of OKC but my buddies and I go down there once in a while for a weekend. I am setting up an Aquapod 24 also. Your aquascaping looks great bud. Very nice work!!
Originally Posted by airandsea
Sooner_Reefer, it sounds like there is a pretty good LFS you frequent. Could you give me some info on the place you go to. I am about 2 hours north of OKC but my buddies and I go down there once in a while for a weekend. I am setting up an Aquapod 24 also. Your aquascaping looks great bud. Very nice work!!
Sorry for the late reply, been gone to Branson, but I got the store credit at Wet Pets by Steve in Norman, OK which is pretty good, high prices, but pretty good quality and nice selection.


Active Member
Hey man, hows the tank hangin in for ya? Getting the salinity worked out I see? I would get the salinity of the tank filled to the brim, no evaporation yet, and aim for 1.025-6. With evap, it wont be too far out of reach and things will still like it. The hard part is trial and error. If you need help with anything, you know where I am.