My new 24g Aquapod!

Tank is doing good, no algae blooms or anything. I'm going to add another piece of frozen food today to help spike the nitrates. Probably going to start testing/doing water changes to finish the cycle Sunday/Monday. Crab is still doing good I believe, I don't really see the conch too much.


Your tank looks off to a great start.
I was curious, I am planning on purchasing a 24g AquaPod with a halide. Are there any mods I should be making right off the bat? I have read about upgrading the filter and modifying the chambers in the back. Is this something that I can wait to do or is it easier to just make these changes in the beginning before my tank is established?
Originally Posted by RSweetPea
Your tank looks off to a great start.
I was curious, I am planning on purchasing a 24g AquaPod with a halide. Are there any mods I should be making right off the bat? I have read about upgrading the filter and modifying the chambers in the back. Is this something that I can wait to do or is it easier to just make these changes in the beginning before my tank is established?
Yeah there are defenitly some mods you probably should do. I'm going to do them later once I get the equipment, but it'd be easier to do it before you got water in it.
1)Upgrade the water pump (which I believe is 160gph) to a higher gph because it's really whimpy. (I'm looking at I think a Quiet One 1200 pump for an upgrade)
2)I had an extra powerhead which I use to create flow towards the front in the middle of the tank
3)Defenitly get some kind of filter media to put in the back sump thing (or cheato which I'm going to get soon)
4)Also the back is a great place to hide things such as a heater or grounding probe
I've noticed that my temp changes with the lights so a chiller may come in handy.(I'm looking into seeing if it's becuase of my lights or the fan in my room that is causing it to change)
Ok I think my tank has offically cycled. I got a nice layer of algae now (redish brown, reminds me of the clay/dirt here in Oklahoma
) and my nitrates are at 10ppm and my salinity is low(nice suprise
not expierencing any evaporation). So today I'm going to turn off my lights for a couple days and do a 20% water change with regular saltwater since I'm not expierencing much evaporation.


hey looks good, but just might want to push the tank all of the way on the stand so there is no stress on the glass. really like the aquascaping, good job. PS you may not want to add the Clown gobies because they will erratate corals very badly. My Clown goby tore up my colony of Acropora millepora so badly that it started to lose tissue in some areas. Just some advice
Originally Posted by cichlidKid
hey looks good, but just might want to push the tank all of the way on the stand so there is no stress on the glass. really like the aquascaping, good job. PS you may not want to add the Clown gobies because they will erratate corals very badly. My Clown goby tore up my colony of Acropora millepora so badly that it started to lose tissue in some areas. Just some advice
Ok thanks for the heads up!
Originally Posted by rebelprettyboy
I like how its so much rock. How much more longer til the tank is done cyclng? Im readyh to see it stalked with coral!!
Thanks, it's done cycling so I'm lowering the nitrates now, and I'm ready for it to be stocked too!
Originally Posted by arod268
I love your rock work and very nice tank. Im jealous

Mucho gracias amigo!
Did tests today and the results are:
-SG 1.018
-Salinity 25ppt
-Nitrate still about 10ppm
So it looks like this week I'll mix up some water and do a 50% water change and then get a clean up crew in a week and a half. Looks like I'll probably start really stocking it in about 3 weeks (right when I get out of school!
I still got a problem because i had my lights off for a while and it got down to 72F temp because i constantly have my fan on high, and I turned on my lights today and the fan was not on when I was gone and the temp is up to 78F, so I may try my heater again, though last time I turned it on it spiked to 82F temp.
I may in this time waiting get some cheato in there and replace the pump with a higher GPH one. Still got to sell the 125g and 10g stuff which should be fun considering no one is interested in buying them.


Active Member
ya that would work...umm i dont know if you did already, but i suggest taking out some rock and making more space..becuase if you dont you might be held to like 2-3 fish instead of 4-5...reaquascape and make a cabe in the middle and like a moat around it so its like and island in the middle with open water some on top and around the "island"...just my suggestion, but its your what you want
Originally Posted by ClownFiSH11
ya that would work...umm i dont know if you did already, but i suggest taking out some rock and making more space..becuase if you dont you might be held to like 2-3 fish instead of 4-5...reaquascape and make a cabe in the middle and like a moat around it so its like and island in the middle with open water some on top and around the "island"...just my suggestion, but its your what you want
Yeah I realize I got too much rock, I'm going to see if a lfs will trade some in for credit this weekend.