My NEW 24gal nano DX!!!!!!!!!!!!!



2 damsels (Had it for 2weeks)
2 clownfish (Had it for 6months)
1 Maroon Clown (Had it for 3months)
1 Seahorse (Had it for 5months)
1 Frogspawn coral (Had it for 1month)
1 Star polyp coral (Had it for 1month)
2 Mushroom Corals (Had it for 7 months)
1 Clam (Had it for 2weeks)
Sponges (Had it for 3months)
15lbs of Live Rock
8lbs of Live Sand
150watt Metal Halide 10,000K (Custom made the hood myself :eek:)
ARO ballasts
36watt Compact Flourescent 50/50 Actinic lighting
Nitevu Lights
Thermoelectric Chiller
Have not had to use a heater, temperatures at night on winter has stayed in the 75-78 degrees.
I am a beginner to saltwater. Never done freshwater. I hope you guys like it and post lot of feedback! Still in college and this is one of my favorite hobbies other then driving fast cars! :)



Active Member
Yes, you are definitely going to run into big trouble in the near future with that many fish. Find new homes for half of those fish and only keep one species of clown in a tank that small.


Nice tank,I would move the Maroon and Damsels into a new tank,Damsels can be nasty and may go after the seahorse


Frogspawns have a pretty strong sting and are not recommended to house along with seahorses. And damsels are probably one of the worst fish to keep with them also. How can you expect a slow moving seahorse to compete with all those fish for food? The long term outlook on your tank is not very good.


To answer all the questions...All these fish that I have in my nano tank actually came directly from my 20gal tank from before. They have gotten along in my 20gal tank without a problem and still continue to do so. The damsels that I have arnt aggressive at all towards my clowns and my maroon is not aggressive towards my clowns either. The sea horse has its own little place to swim around and the fish dont pick on him at all. Ive had the sea horse for a while too. All in update everyone, all my fish and sea horse are doing great. I also added my old canister filter ( XP canister filter) from my old tank.
I heard the frogspawn had a powerful sting, I have yet to have gotten stung by it (even with a small cut in my hand) but I try to be careful by always wearing gloves. The clowns love it, they host in it as if it was a anemone. :) THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR REPLIES!!
I appreciate it very much as a beginner to saltwater. By the way, my star polpy coral has grown on to my regular live rocks and have expanded. Very cool!!! And my frogspawn is more in color, it now has more of a pink hue then the white hue it had. I hope thats a good thing. ANd it has gotten a lot bigger then in this picture.


Originally Posted by miked0523
Frogspawns have a pretty strong sting and are not recommended to house along with seahorses. And damsels are probably one of the worst fish to keep with them also. How can you expect a slow moving seahorse to compete with all those fish for food? The long term outlook on your tank is not very good.
I hand feed my sea horse...while the fish eats their food that I had put in already.


Originally Posted by jr2857
nice pics

Thanks for the comment! :)


Originally Posted by brian00ss
Let me know if the nano tank is good to start out for beginner?
In my opinion, I think nano tanks are good to start out for a beginner, but I would recommend a nano cube thats bigger then 10gal because IMO its harder to keep the water stable the smaller the tank volume. With my JBJ 24gal, its small (but not too small) easy to maintain, and hours of fun to watch.


Active Member
very nice tank. can i see your hood? i want to see how it looks because i might change my lighting to mh.


Active Member
Is this your first go around? Your tanks looks great, you have some tougher corals there, but as long as you're having success good job man! Think about your fishies though...


Originally Posted by feixjai
very nice tank. can i see your hood? i want to see how it looks because i might change my lighting to mh.
Ill try to post a picture of my hood on here for ya real soon. I used the mini HQI pendant that I bought from online and just cut the Nano canopy right in the center and put in the mini pendant. It fit perfectly. If you plan on adding metal halide, be sure to get a thermoelectricl chiller. It will help keep the tempertures reaching beyond 82F. I live in cali and without the chiller during winter it doesnt reach higher then 82F in my room. But during summer I have to have the chiller on which will keep it around 78-80F.


Originally Posted by zanoshanox
Is this your first go around? Your tanks looks great, you have some tougher corals there, but as long as you're having success good job man! Think about your fishies though...
This is my first "JBJ nano cube nano tank" but I have had a 20gal regular saltwater tank before for about 7months or so. Never done freshwater and dont plan to. Thanks for the compliments. My corals are doing great. The frogspawn has changed into a light pink and green hue from the white color it was. The mushrooms have split and there is more now and the starpolpys has also reproduced. :)
SO far, there are no fights between the maroon and the other fishes. All the fishes seem to be fine. But if there is any signs of aggression, i will remove the maroon clown. By the way I removed the two damsels (since ppl suggested to go easy on the fish load) and I added two Emerald crabs instead.
So total as of 2/3/06
1Maroon Clown
2 Emerald Crabs
1 seahorse


Im happy that I am seeing a good amount of Amphipods in my tank. The tank has only been running for a month and half. I saw on bristle worm, I do not want them in my tank. I heard they tend to grow very fast and want to get rid of them ASAP. Does anyone know if my emerald crabs will eat them?


Originally Posted by feixjai
very nice tank. can i see your hood? i want to see how it looks because i might change my lighting to mh.
Here is an old picture. As you can see the 150watt MH pendant sits top of the canopy. It sits about 10-inchs above water.


HERE is an UPDATE for everyone.
I have added a green long tenticle plate coral, as well as a red and green bullseye mushroom, yellow carination coral, orange zoo's, sun coral and lastly an elegance coral! I will have some pictures in soon for everyone to see! Check back soon.